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Hello! Last year was our first year homeschooling. Our curriculum usage was crazy! We did end up doing SOTW up through Egypt at the tail end of the year. However, my dd was in 2nd grade now in 3rd and I wanted her to be on a slightly different schedule then completing her first run through of history in 7th grade. I also hate the library (only because I usually end up, up to my ears in late fees. So for this year I had sold my SOTW and decided to go with SL B+C where world history is consolidated into one year. Then follow it will SL D and SL E the two years of American History. For some reason I really like the distinction between World History vs. American History. In any event, the other day I decided we really missed the stories from SOTW and the Mapwork. I also missed having the ideas for projects and book lists available when my dd wanted to dig further into a topic. So I just reordered the first two books and activity guides to use in conjunction with what we have now. I will order the last two books to use in conjunction with SL 4th and 5th grade cores of American History. She is at the very young age of her grade as she turned 8 in August and then we started 3rd grade in September so I am not too worried. We are unsure right now if we will hs for high school. I want to but I need dh to be on board first. So I was looking at what I would like to do for 6-8/7&8 (as I may still want to do Core F from SL in 6th) I was wondering do you all have your kids read the stories from SOTW again or do you just use the spines recommended in the WTM. I just read through the Logic Stage last night.


If you do only use the spines can someone tell me if DK: History of the World also includes American History?


Does any one know if the topics covered in SL Core F (Eastern Hemisphere) are covered in the WTM trivium in any of the stages/cycles?


I did find a blog online that puts the SL books in order of the WTM. I saved that list and in the process of organizing it to my liking. I am wondering for those of you in the logic stage (now or have been through it) would you purchase the books you want them to read throughout the year and take them to the library when they seek more then what you own or would you only do the library (if cost was of no consequence). In an ideal world I would have my own library and after a year and a half of homeschooling I feel that is what I am working towards and I love literature based curriculum but I feel as though I would like to own the "we need to at LEAST read these books this year." For example, next year we will move right before starting school and in the middle of the year (military). We may get to stay put in our own house after that but we won't know until that second move so I just feel like owning the minimum allows me to move or travel without being like... oh no now what!


The reason I am trying to be so thorough at least in deciding on purchase items is because I will use them again with future children (I am due with my second child next Friday and plan on having a few more after this one now that we are able to!)


Any thoughts/opinions/suggestions?

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Instead of using Story of the World with Cores D & E, I'd just use SOTW this year as you finish out B+C, and then save SOTW for cores G & H later on. You *could* do SOTW with D & E, but it's not really the best fit. (And I have to say that D & E as written are my two favorite cores! They are the only ones for which I didn't substitute the spine or something else!). Just my .02 :)


Merry :-)

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If you plan to do the upper cores that use story of the world I would wait. We did and I was pleased with how things worked. I think it might be a bit boring second time through but that is me!


Lots of book lists for time periods out there for additional reading. Take a look at the Veritas Press for some really good ideas. Lovely supplements. We loved Draw Write Now and History Pockets.

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First, welcome to homeschooling (a year into it!), and to the WTM Board! :001_smile:



So I was looking at what I would like to do for 6-8/7&8 … I was wondering do you all have your kids read the stories from SOTW again or do you just use the spines recommended in the WTM.



SOTW 3 and 4 cover some very complex interactions between nations, and are, frankly, a lot about wars and depressing topics that middle school students are more capable of wrestling with than elementary-aged children. Especially since your DD is young for her grade, you could choose to hold off on first exposure to those 2 volumes until 6th/7th/8th grades. We actually used parts of SOTW 4 in high school, as the explanations of events leading up to WW1 were so clear, that it made for a great resource when we did Modern History. I say that as evidence that SOTW 3 and 4 can easily be waited on and used later, if you wish.



I just wanted to add… It's great to be thinking ahead and trying to get a general idea of what you'd like to cover and when, but… and I mean this very gently… you list a number of factors that suggest to me that an in-depth long-range curriculum plan may not be the best use of your time and energy right now.


- your life circumstances are about to change greatly

(new family member arriving; you may be moving; you may have other children; attending a school may be a future option; etc...)


- your homeschooling needs/interests may change greatly

(DD is young; children change a LOT during elementary grades, which could end up requiring unexpected, drastic curriculum changes from your 5-year plan)


- not sure how long you'll be homeschooling

(need to get DH on board; may have DD go to a high school)



Since you are enjoying Sonlight, and it uses SOTW, then why not tentatively plan to stick with that through the years until circumstances require you to re-think that plan? The elementary grades so often are a perfect fit with the interests of so many children for doing American History, as you suggest in your plan.


SL is simple to use. It is easy to get even if you end up overseas. You can always reduce the price by spending time as needed buying books used. It's easy to resell if you end up finding it's not a fit for future children. And, you like it!


Especially with a new baby and a move coming this year, I'd suggest keeping your life as simple as possible, and plan specific materials only for this year and *possibly* into next year. What with a move coming up, now is not the time to accumulate material for future years. ;)


Also, I can't tell you HOW much our DSs changed over the years, and material I *KNEW* we would use in middle school were no where on the radar by the time we actually arrived at the middle school years…





The reason I am trying to be so thorough at least in deciding on purchase items is because I will use them again with future children



The amazing thing you will discover is how *completely* different child #2 will be from child #1. ;) Yes, DO save your books and materials for the next child… But don't COUNT on the homeschool materials that worked well with your DD to be a match with any future children. I have 2 DSs just 20 months apart in age, and they are SO radically different in how they are wired to learn that we had to use completely different materials for most subjects. So, save books, yes. I just don't recommend trying to collect materials now for use 3, 4, 5 years down the road...




Does any one know if the topics covered in SL Core F (Eastern Hemisphere) are covered in the WTM trivium in any of the stages/cycles?



Yes, there is overlap in some of the books that SL and WTM suggest using, and yes, they both cover various countries of the world -- but from very different angles.


SL F covers a number of different nations, and focuses on cultural aspects, with a number of books from a Biblical, Christian missionary angle and fiction works set in the times/culture of different countries. There is no historical/timeline "thread" or "narrative" to organize the study; the study is on the myths, fairytales, and historical/cultural fiction books, with encyclopedia entries for the non-fiction facts. SL F is more about immersing yourself into the peoples, myths, and cultures of various nations.


WTM covers different nations in each year of the cycle, and again in each stage of the trivium, but from a non-fiction and primary-document focus. There are some myths, fairytales and historical/cultural fiction books, but the organization of the study is around historical facts, with each year focused on a different time frame.




I wanted her to be on a slightly different schedule then completing her first run through of history in 7th grade



I know many have different philosophies on this, but I suggest not worrying too much about this. Having one in-depth, solid run-through of history in grades 1-8 makes for a solid foundation for high school, especially if the alternative is to try and jam in two cycles, but they are superficial and you don't have the time to make connections. But that's just my take on it.


We did one 6-year in-depth tour through history in elementary/middle school years, and then when DSs were grades 7 & 8 we did a fabulous world culture/geography and comparative religions year (loosely spring boarding from SL F), that was a super foundation for helping DSs understand connections, motivations, philosophies, and the "why" of events when they did History in high school.


I say that, as you are suggesting doing something somewhat similar if you stick with Sonlight and do the Eastern Hemisphere study along about 6th grade.



BEST of luck, and enjoy your homeschooling journey! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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