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R&S Grammar...How do you use it?


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How do you use this with your dc?

Do you go over the Teachers lesson and have dc do every problem?...this is how I have been doing it and it takes them FOREVER! I was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing this and dc retaining the info.

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How do you use this with your dc?

Do you go over the Teachers lesson and have dc do every problem?...this is how I have been doing it and it takes them FOREVER! I was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing this and dc retaining the info.


I go over the oral review questions in the TM (not included in student book), scan the teaching instructions to see if there is anything in there that is not included in the student lesson, and then get ds10 to read the lesson from his book (helps him focus on the lesson, rather than me talking at him). Then I have him answer the oral and written questions orally. The only thing I have him do as written are the sentence diagrams. And now that he is a bit older, the writing lessons. Up until the end of grade 4, I wrote or typed out a lot of his answers to the writing lessons.


I do tend to have him answer all the questions, because he is quick at it, and I'm still figuring my way through the question of "what is enough?"


I find that he has retained most everything (he started in book 3, and is on book 5 now), because there is so much review in each book, and each book reviews previous books, at more layered levels each year.

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How do you use this with your dc?

Do you go over the Teachers lesson and have dc do every problem?...this is how I have been doing it and it takes them FOREVER! I was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing this and dc retaining the info.


Here's how I do it...

I read the lesson, do odd/even of oral drill, sometimes do odd/even of written practice or do odd/even of the worksheets. If it's something they've definitely mastered then I'll just do oral or just odd/even on either worksheets or written practice. If they just aren't getting it, then I will extend the lesson over a couple of days to include both written practice and worksheets. HTH!

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My kids read the lessons themselves and then do the work I've assigned. I generally have them do every diagramming problem and every writing assignment, and we usually go with the evens or odds on the rest. Often that work can be done orally. If they don't understand something right away, I'll have them read the lesson again, and work the rest of those problems out on paper. We've never done the class practice exercises. They're both very strong in grammar and writing, so we haven't had a problem with retention.

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depending on the lesson. I read through the lesson with my dc and we do some of the oral examples together. If it's an easy lesson, and I think they've "got it", then we are finished with that lesson. If they don't seem to quite have it, then I will chose a limited number of exercises for them to complete on their own, and then we check it together as soon as they finish. If they made lots of mistakes, we correct the mistakes together and move on. I don't stress about it too much. They will get the same skills year after year. If they are really struggling over a concept, then I skip it, and know that with more maturity next year, they will probably get it. Eventually, they always have. When it comes to diagramming, I always make them diagram about 4 to 5 sentences on their own, and we discuss the mistakes.


My oldest dd's took the IOWA last year after finishing their 3rd and 5th grade years. Grammar was their best score on the test, and they scored way high. I have been very pleased, and we don't make a big deal out of grammar each day. But, we do it every day. That daily consistent practice, small though it is, has worked.

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I don't use the teacher's book at all. My girls just read the lesson on their own, ask any questions if they have any, and do whatever I have chosen ahead of time for them to do. They have done great with it. My oldest is using Easy Grammar Plus this year for a break before doing R&S 7.

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How do you use this with your dc?

Do you go over the Teachers lesson and have dc do every problem?...this is how I have been doing it and it takes them FOREVER! I was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing this and dc retaining the info.


Starting at 12, my kids were completely on their own. I gave them a schedule and ensured they did their daily work. (I have schedules on my blog.)


They do every question, but we rarely do the oral exercises. They even do the worksheets. Some lessons they didn't do (like take notes on sermon ones), but generally they do everything.


The time sped up when I took myself out of the process. The work got sloppier, but it was still correct. (I've decided neat handwriting, or lack thereof, is their issue, not mine.)

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I went over the oral review (Teacher's Guide) and had him read the lesson. Then we went over all of the work orally. I had him do any diagramming on a wipe-off board. Unless he was having a problem, the only written work was on the worksheets. He does plenty of writing in his other subjects, so oral work is quick and I can correct him right away.



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