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IEW Fix It


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We use it. If you don't use IEW, some of it won't make sense since you are supposed to identify IEW dress ups. On the other hand, if you look at the language arts section in the SAT test, it's all about editing. We use it in conjunction with analytical grammar because I want my kids to be able to identify and diagram sentences.



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We used it last year and ds recently asked when we were going to start using it again. That's a good sign. He enjoyed the editing exercise and it added to what we were learning in FLL 4. Since we are familiar with IEW we found the -ly words, stong verbs, etc and I think any student would benefit from identifying the basic IEW dress ups. Even for the other editing exercises alone i think it's worth it. And it's cheap given one purchase buys 4 stories to use over the years.




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There is an index in the back with an explanation of everything you are required to find. I like having my children learn to diagram because it can give them a "why" in reasons that a sentence may sound awkward. It's a brain activity. So, we do analytical grammar for 10 weeks with a reinforcement once every other week and IEW fix it the rest of the year.



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We are using it, but it is a supplement. We were using Evan Moor editing and Fix it well, uses Tom Sawyer instead of those silly for education paragraphs about kites etc...


Diagraming is important. We have only really dove into it this year (5th grade), but you it is useful for more advanced writing. When your child is in 10th grade writing a research paper, there will be those funny sentences. The ones that just are not right. When you diagram the sentence, it usually becomes clear where the issue is. In other words it is a very advanced editing tool.


I am learning diagraming along with my kids as I was never taught it in school. We are enjoying it. Also, I am very visual and as we are getting into more complicated grammar (beyond 8 parts of speech) the diagram helps to give a visual.

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