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Duke TIP Program?


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Curious if anyone here has a child enrolled in the Duke TIP program. I was looking at this program for my youngest (2nd grade) to find she is too young for it, but I then I saw that my oldest (4th grade) actually has several test scores that qualify.


Mostly, though, at the lower grades, it looks like an opportunity to buy some products at a discounted rate - though it comes at a $37 entry price.


Curious if anyone is involved in the program and found the products to be high quality and worth buying. Mostly it looks like computer enrichment stuff, plus Rosetta Stone at a discounted rate. We are regionally located (Alabama) so in theory the summer program might be an option as well, though really I think my older child's interests are elsewhere (performing and visual arts), though eventually my youngest who is academically driven I see being very involved in the academic camps and early testing, etc.


Anyone with experience here? :bigear:

Edited by zenjenn
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My daughter is also too young at this point but we plan to participate in a few years. What promoted my investigation in to the program was that a few local colleges and museums have special Duke TIP classes and camps that sounded interesting for dd. I also would like for her to do the explore text next year.


If you are near a major metropolitan area with lots of museums and colleges you might do some googling to see what is available.


Eta: the programs at our local museums were offered several times a year not just during the summer.

Edited by acurtis75@yahoo.com
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We did the Explore test as well as one of the online free enrichment self-study courses. I had intended to get her involved with one of the book clubs, but never did. I think it was worth the entry price for us. My goals were to have some external validation of ability and to give her some experience with both testing and a taste of online learning. We didn't do any of the paid products other than the test.


I'm planning to re-enroll her in the 7th grade program this year and use the ACT as our required yearly achievement test. I doubt we'll do any of the summer programs as they are just too expensive.

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Oh, nice to see the benefits that are included. That wasn't clear on the web site. A friend also told me they send a newsletter to the kids that her daughter enjoyed.


We signed her up. :001_smile: I was particularly pleased to see the Duke TIP Book Club. I think my daughter will really enjoy this. She is a voracious reader and I can see how this will help her learn to look at literature more critically with someone besides me asking questions and making comments.


We passed on the EXPLORE for now, though. she's in 4th grade. Maybe in 5th or 6th.

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