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WWYD curriculum question

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My 13 yo is dyslexic but also has a low IQ and processing and memory issues. I had been doing science and history together with his younger two siblings but I sensed that he wanted more independence.


I bought him PLATO science, which was a bust. Ao I bought SOS Science, which is also proving to be a bust. He just isn't getting it.


I am looking at this instead:




But I don't know if I should switch SOS mid year? I just don't see it working for him, but we already switched science once.


I am using Apologia Elementary Science with his younger siblings and I don't know if that's meaty enough for him.

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My dd is really enjoying the Disney Imagineering science videos. You can get them through your library. Those plus some labs or a kit and you'd be good to go. Exploration Education would work in that vein, but it's $$. We're using the BJU Physical Science labs, but they're very complex to implement. Maybe a Thames and Cosmos kit? Hobby Lobby has kits and then you can use a 40% coupon.


Or just watch Mythbusters and the Disney videos and Bill Nye and don't even bother with the labs.

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Can you provide more details as to what you mean by "bust." Is he enjoying the information, but not passing the tests? For my processing trouble kid, I expose him to the information and forget about the tests. We did Plato science (elementary/middle school, not high school). Ds really enjoyed the program but I helped with the tests.


I also encourage science videos and other "passive" learning opportunities just because the requirement for constant output is exhausting for DS. He loves learning about science, but there are limits to what he can recite back. I think you have to choose the level he can suceed at and work from there, no matter what level it says on the outside of the book. KWIM?

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Are you worried about "meaty enough" as far as content and where a 13yo "should" be or just for him in general because he wants/needs more?


If it's the first, then I'd go with Apologia. If the latter, then I might try the PCI or maybe even just try beefing up Apologia as best you can (requiring additional reading, videos on youtube, vocabulary, etc.).


Good luck; I'm in the same boat with my ds15.

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Thank you all for the replies. I mean a bust because he just isn't retaining the information. The PLATO was way above his head. I put him in SOS 5th science because those topics seemed to line up with what our other kids are doing. I'm not sure if he isn't retaining because of the information or the format. Maybe SOS isn't the right fit for his learning style.


I am worried about where he should be as a 13 year old so I considered Apologia Gen science but taking it really slow. I just don't know if he can handle that level of comprehension yet.


I am concerned about where he is now and where he needs to be in order to graduate.

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Is he currently taking a life science? Also, what grade is he?


We've been doing life science, but will shift gears after Christmas. What does your son want to take?


SOS 5th is life science. He is in 6th on paper. He isn't really interested in anything science but he loves the computer so I was thinking maybe something technology related?

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SOS 5th is life science. He is in 6th on paper. He isn't really interested in anything science but he loves the computer so I was thinking maybe something technology related?


Have you looked at Gems or the TOPS? Does he keep a science journal?


DS has no interest in the details of life science. I'm attempting a science overhaul myself for next semester. I'm planning on working on some physical science experiments and maybe turning to Scratch programming for the final quarter. A spud gun has been promised. What started as a life science year, has quickly become an integrated science year.


For middle grades, exposure to science content seems more important that knowing all the facts. I'm much more interested in DS learning to read, comprehend, and properly answer a question. Skills can be learned in other areas too, like history. If videos or hands or visual study elements work best with your child, use those.


If you plan on using text books for science, maybe consider teaching him how to read a non-fiction text. All of your children would benefit from this. Textmapping.org provides multisensory instructs for teaching the layout of a text.

Edited by Heathermomster
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Have you looked at Gems or the TOPS? Does he keep a science journal?


DS has no interest in the details of life science. I'm attempting a science overhaul myself for next semester. I'm planning on working on some physical science experiments and maybe turning to Scratch programming for the final quarter. A spud gun has been promised. What started as a life science year, has quickly become an integrated science year.


For middle grades, exposure to science content seems more important that knowing all the facts. I'm much more interested in DS learning to read, comprehend, and properly answer a question. Skills can be learned in other areas too, like history. If videos or hands or visual study elements work best with your child, use those.


If you plan on using text books for science, maybe consider teaching him how to read a non-fiction text. All of your children would benefit from this. Textmapping.org provides multisensory instructs for teaching the layout of a text.


Thank you. I think I am going to look into more hands on things and videos and forget textbooks for now.


He is doing great with reading now and we are doing IEW for writing, which he likes. I am going to keep working on skills for now.


Panic over :D

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