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Question for WWS Level 2 Beta people?

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Those of you who are doing the WWS Level 2 Beta testing, can you tell me if the program takes a big 'jump up' in diffculty? The jump from WWE4 to WWS1 is pretty formidable, and I'm really hoping WWS2 will not be a big jump up. I'm sure you are not allowed to give a lot of details, and just tell me if you aren't allowed to answer this kind of question at all!! :001_smile: But any help you can give would be great - DD is really making a lot of strides in her writing this year, but she's really on the edge of what's do-able for her. If WWS2 is a big step up too, then we might slow down and spend more time practicing the WWS1 skills instead of trying to get to WWS2 for next year. Thanks!!

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Well, I assume that I say vague stuff. I find that it is the *perfect* next level. We have just slid right in and continued to learn. In fact, my son seems to find WWS2 to be more straight forward than WWS1. Perhaps this is because he is a year older and more mature, or perhaps it is because he has already done a year of this style of writing, but whatever the reason, he has really enjoyed it.


Ruth in NZ

Edited by lewelma
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I agree with the others, but the beta testing is still near the beginning of WWS2- we've only seen 1/4 of the program. WWS1 ramped up later in the year, so it's possible WWS2 will too.


Either way though, we're really happy with it. I've always felt that WWS is really good at challenging my boys without being completely overwhelming.


Also, they are so much better at reading instructions now. ;)

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