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The trick-or-treaters need to get here already!!!

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I'm killing this candy bowl!!! If they don't get here there won't be anything left! I guess I shouldn't be the stay-at-home-to-pass-out-candy-parent :D


My boys & dh just walked out the door headed to the front of the 'hood. They'll meet the 'hood kids there & all share pizza before a big photo op & a 'ready, set , go!'


The boys love it :)


Happy Halloween y'all!

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I miss trick-or-treaters! We moved into an extremely small, one street, neighborhood. Some houses, like mine, have a long driveway. I've seen more kids in the past few months since a few houses sold so I was hoping they would T-O-T, but it' 6:40pm and no one has been here. That means we'll be eating the candy I bought for just in case. I'd rather have a cupcake.

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We just moved into a HUGE apartment complex near lots of other HUGE apartment complexes and housing developments. It's the first time we've ever really lived in a neighborhood, so we ran and got two huge bags of candy on our way home today (since we'd already eaten most of the huge bag we'd gotten earlier in the week :blushing: ) so that we would be prepared... and NO ONE has come by. It looks like most people around here go to church or town sponsored events.


Guess we'll be eating candy for awhile. :D

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