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One of those days when I wonder why on earth I ever thought I could do this....

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Yesterday, my dd 10 had to take a math test FOUR times to pass it. She's struggling in many subjects. I wish I could spend more time with her one on one in her lessons.


I wonder constantly if oldest daughter (14) would be better off in PS, since I always wonder if I am pushing her enough. She's pretty smart but still kind of lazy, so I have to struggle to challenge her to reach her potential. It doesn't make it any easier that she is a "push-back" kid who never can just quietly go along with plans. I know she would not do as well in PS, just because of the way that she is.


This morning I ended up SCREAMING at my 14 yo...she just makes me nuts. (I asked her to put in the headphones while watching her biology video. The sound was distracting to my other dd's and me as we did their schoolwork. She responded that the crappy headphones (yes they are pathetic, but I literally have 1.50 in my purse till payday) made it too hard to hear, despite the fact that she constantly gripes at her siblings to use the same crummy headphones. She didn't like my options...1. wait till everyone else is done with school or 2. use the crummy headphones. She she got argumentative and mouthy.


But I really feel awful that I lost it and screamed at her. I acted like a child. GAH!


PS is not an option for us (believe me, I have agonized over this decision many times) but some days...

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I have those days, too. I think we probably all do. :grouphug:


About the 10yo's math test: If my elementary-aged students find it impossible to pass a chapter test, I re-do the entire chapter. Just going on the theory that they don't understand the concepts, so I don't want them to go on to something new without having a solid foundation.


Would it be possible for you to re-teach the chapter instead of having her take her test four times?

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I have those days, too. I think we probably all do. :grouphug:


About the 10yo's math test: If my elementary-aged students find it impossible to pass a chapter test, I re-do the entire chapter. Just going on the theory that they don't understand the concepts, so I don't want them to go on to something new without having a solid foundation.


Would it be possible for you to re-teach the chapter instead of having her take her test four times?

we are using our state's virtual academy, so I don't know about that.


The irony is that she KNOWS the concepts. I've watched her do these problems, but she rushed through the work, made piles of careless errors, etc. :banghead::banghead::banghead: Despite my urging, she did her test work on a marker board (she then inputs the answers into the computer) TWICE so that we couldn't go back over the mistakes.


I'm not giving her an option any more. She WILL do her work on paper from now on. I emailed her teacher and asked if there is any way that she can have PRINT copy of the test. I think one issue is that she doesn't comprehend as well from a computer screen as she does on paper.

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