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Storm Prep... Michigan

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Those of you that live in Michigan, can you tell me how you are preparing for the storm? I live on the east side of the state about 11 miles from the Lake Huron shoreline and our house is surrounded by trees (it's a mobile home and thank goodness we were able to find someone to insure the place, not many places do)

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We are in Northern AL and I suspect you will be getting close to what we will be getting. We are getting wind advisories starting Monday morning and winds in our area are supposed to be over 25 miles an hour sustained for Monday and Tuesday. We are also getting a cold weather advisory, though I suspect you already have had cold weather.


We are being told to get loose lawn furniture and other things like that indoors. Being on a mountain side, they tell me I can expect wind gusts of over 40 but I am also in the woods, so that helps it a bit. I don't think we will be loosing power.

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Ya know, I was thinking about that today. We're on a well so it actually crossed my mind that maybe I should buy some more bottled water just in case (I do have a 5 gallon drum of water that we bought a few years ago as a back up after losing power for 3 days). But our power lines are buried, we have a portable generator, and a full pantry. And our trees are all pretty small. They're only 20-30 years old and smaller varieties. The one tree that's big is by the corner furthest from any bedrooms over our dining room which we're hardly ever in and I would actually be very grateful if a tree smashed through that roof so that we could use insurance money to expand the room. We've talked about doing just that since we bought the house.:lol:

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Last week's temps had us doing our normal winter routine for up here. We're stocked with drinking water. The animals are winterized. I am a canner so we have food. We're good to go. But I don't think we're supposed to get anything up here. We're on the cusp of winter anyway basically.

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Um. We're supposed to prepare? Honestly, I didn't know that it was supposed to hit us.


We always have food. My neighbor has a generator and has offered a few plugs to us for some cash. Cell phones are charged every night.


Do tell if I should be doing more?~


I'm fairly close to you. I think it's just going to be be a little windy. Weather dot com says wind gusts could get to 50 mph. That's pretty much it!

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I'm fairly close to you. I think it's just going to be be a little windy. Weather dot com says wind gusts could get to 50 mph. That's pretty much it!


I saw that. We lose power at the drop of a hat, so I guess we're always prepared! Lots of batteries. Phones that can be charged in our car. Gas stove. Plenty of food. Etc. My husband's place of work rarely loses power, so we can take frozen foods there if our neighbor doesn't come through. We might get a little cold. But, that we can survive!!!


Stay safe!!!

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