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What is wrong with people?

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I just picked up our new vehicle from the dealership and had an errand to run at Wal-Mart. I pull into my parking space and park but have yet to turn the car off. This man who is parked in front of us takes his buggy and rams it between the vehicles instead of going around when he could clearly see it would not fit. He looks at us while were sitting in the car and looks down. He does it again....I jump out and ask him what the heck he's doing....he just said sorry and keeps going. The women comes running up and said he has double vision from a brain injury and they have no money but they are artist and will pay for it with a painting....what the heck??? I don't want there money...I just want them to be respectful of there peoples property. So, my ds and I head into WM because they were really strange acting and we come out. There's a man sitting on the cart return and as I'm looking at my car he ask if I have a problem I explained what happen and then he told me when he pulled in he was having some popcorn and coffee and they came over and were staring at him and he opened his window to ask if they needed help or something and she starts to sing to him and tried to kiss him.

Should I have just called the police to begin with? I think they were stoned. They really creeped me out!

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Ok, they definitely were out of the normal range. I suspect you're right suspecting drugs. I'm not quite sure what I'd have done in your situation - other than be rather mad.


Did they damage your car? If so, then I would have called the police and wanted money (not a painting) to fix it. If they can afford drugs, they can afford to pay for damages they cause. If it wasn't drugs, then I could adjust my expectations accordingly to what it ended up being.

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I just picked up our new vehicle from the dealership and had an errand to run at Wal-Mart. I pull into my parking space and park but have yet to turn the car off. This man who is parked in front of us takes his buggy and rams it between the vehicles instead of going around when he could clearly see it would not fit. He looks at us while were sitting in the car and looks down. He does it again....I jump out and ask him what the heck he's doing....he just said sorry and keeps going. The women comes running up and said he has double vision from a brain injury and they have no money but they are artist and will pay for it with a painting....what the heck??? I don't want there money...I just want them to be respectful of there peoples property. So, my ds and I head into WM because they were really strange acting and we come out. There's a man sitting on the cart return and as I'm looking at my car he ask if I have a problem I explained what happen and then he told me when he pulled in he was having some popcorn and coffee and they came over and were staring at him and he opened his window to ask if they needed help or something and she starts to sing to him and tried to kiss him.

Should I have just called the police to begin with? I think they were stoned. They really creeped me out!

The bold... Ok, so we know what the spatial problem is. How is that a reason to excuse ramming people cars repeatedly? Isn't that the sort of thing you actually make conscious adjustments for? I mean, if you can't judge such things - for whatever reason - don't you make sure you take the clearest path? And don't you not let your loved one try to do that?


Obviously, from round 2 with the guy on the cart return, they're just not right, whatever the reason. But just wow.

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