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Anyone used Assimil for Foreign Languages?

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I've been looking for a good program to refresh my own French. I learned it as a child but can barely speak it anymore. I've seen a number of polyglots on youtube who recommend Assimil (aka French with Ease, or Spanish with Ease) for learning new languages but I never seem to see it recommended here. Does anyone have any experience with this program?

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I own Assimil Spanish, but haven't used it. I really like what I've seen of it, though, and if one of my kids decides to do Spanish, it's one of the resources I would use. It's not flashy (understatement!) but it seems like it would be quite effective, and it's easy to speed up if you want to do it really intensively. Unfortunately, there are no English versions for most of the other languages DS is interested in, only French (it's produced in France).


Have you joined the HTLAL forum? If you search the Language Programs subforum you'll find tons of information on Assimil; it's probably the most recommended program there.



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