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Playstation 3 Move: Need game recommendations!

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Can anyone recommend any good games for the PS3 that use the Move thing?


The one I bought came with Sports Champions, and in addition to that, I have ordered:



Little Big Planet

The Fight: Lights Out

Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest


I have no idea whether or not the games I bought are any good, but the prices were pretty decent so I figured I would give them a try.


I'm trying to find games that my ds12 would like.


THANKS!!! :001_smile:

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OK, it has been a few days, and still no one seems to have this stupid thing. I am beginning to regret my purchase and wish I had chosen a different PS3 bundle instead of the one with the Move thing.


But the Move remote-stick-thing is so cute! It lights up and everything! :tongue_smilie:


So I'm bumping this lonely thread one more time to see if anyone has and uses the Playstation Move thing, and if so, what games are good for it.



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We love our PS3, but I am not making recommendations because our tolerance for violence and some language would make many WTM'ers hair curl. We don't engage in those things personally, but don't shun them in games.


To answer your question, though, yes, the Move controllers are indeed very fun and a step up from the Wii. You can still get Lego games and stuff for it, but the games do bend farther toward teen land than the Nintendo stuff, and there is a heavier bent towards more violence and language in general (though not exclusively).


Are there any Jedi or hunting games? Those could be good.


There is an excellent boxing game that gives my son a serious workout, but the language in that one makes even my ears curl a bit. I wish they had a 'clean it up' option :). You can box just as well without turning the air blue, IMHO.


Fortunately my kds are good about not parroting what they hear; they get that we simply don't believe in speaking that way.

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We love our PS3, but I am not making recommendations because our tolerance for violence and some language would make many WTM'ers hair curl. We don't engage in those things personally, but don't shun them in games.


Ds12 plays games with the Teen rating, but we don't do the Rated M games. If you have any recommendations, I would really appreciate them! (Feel free to send me a PM if you would prefer not to mention them here.)


There is an excellent boxing game that gives my son a serious workout, but the language in that one makes even my ears curl a bit. I wish they had a 'clean it up' option :). You can box just as well without turning the air blue, IMHO.


What's the name of the boxing game? I ordered one and I'm wondering if it might be the one you're talking about. I think the one I bought is called something like "Fight: Lights Out" or something like that. I know it's a fighting game for the PS3 Move and it's Rated T, but I have been looking at so many games lately that the titles are getting jumbled in my head!


THANKS! :001_smile:

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