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Book about how to use the library?


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I'm looking for a book about how to use the library--using the computerized card catalog, etc. This is for an elementary-age child. When I've tried searching keywords, I'm finding a lot of books about going to the library and fun experiences in the library. We go to the library regularly, and my children enjoy it. I'm not looking for a book to encourage positive feelings for libraries, but a how-to book. Suggestions?

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Did you check with your librarian? Our libraries run a free class for elementary students about how to use the library. I think it is once a month or so and usually runs about an hour.



:iagree: Also, our children's librarian has a lot of printed out pages with things that may help you with this (like the dewey decimal system with cute pictures and such to help the kids, a map of where each type of books are, a tutorial on the card catalog system, etc).


Do you kids all have their own library cards? I know they make a big deal of it at our library and give the kids some extras like a bookmark, welcome package, etc. It is sort of a rite of passage at our house. ;)

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I am stopping by the library this week, and I plan to ask the librarian then. I thought I would put a book on hold if there was a good one you all recommend.


This spring (at b-day time), we plan to start giving allowances. I'm waiting until then for their own library cards. We are going to throw a party and make a big deal of it---and they will also be responsible for their own late fees after that point.:tongue_smilie:

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I think your librarian is the best bet. Use them often! Each library system has a slightly different catalog so I don't think any one book could help you there. If your child has a question, make him or her ask the librarian directly. My kids have grown accustomed to asking for assistance and finding materials with librarians because I encouraged them from a young age to do so.


I've also found browsing the stacks (the adult and children sections) helped my kids get familiar with the layout and content areas.

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I think your librarian is the best bet. Use them often! Each library system has a slightly different catalog so I don't think any one book could help you there.


:iagree: The computer systems are all different (the two library systems I have membership with have two different brands of software, so they work differently). And like technology in general, libraries seem to change often too. You might find a book in the library that still talks about using an actual card catalog. :lol:


My library has had homeschool days, where they taught the kids about library use. I also have explained how to find the books he wants - which sections are where in our library, how to use the Dewey Decimal system to find a book we've looked up on the computer, etc. He knows how to use the self-check. I haven't had him put books on hold yet, but that's easy to do (click "hold" and select our branch that we want to pick it up at).

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I use this:

Teaching Children to Use the Library; A Five Step Program for Parents (Mary Hood).

It is out of print, but I bought a used copy for about five dollars on Amazon. It has all of the basic library skills.


Someone also posted this very useful website which is a grade by grade curriculum for teaching kids how to use the library. It was developed by a public school district. I found useful worksheets on this.


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I had to find something regarding teaching library skills as well. This is what I found during an online search: http://library.thinkquest.org/5002/index.shtml

This site teaches young people all about the Dewey Decimal System. The following sites teach kids about the parts of a book: http://www.quia.com/jg/3606.html and http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/match/term/draggeneric.asp?filename=jwildepartsofbook1


Here is a site giving a basic overview of library skills: http://www.pppst.com/library.html


Lastly, here is an article for you regarding the 10 best tips to improve your students online search capabilities: http://novanews19.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/why-cant-kids-search-10-tips-to-develop-better-search-skills/


I hope this helps.

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