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X-post: Lial and/or Foerester Algebra I

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Good morning,


I am thinking of using one of these texts for Algebra I and I have a few questions:


1. Are there teacher's editions available? If so, are they necessary? DD basically self-taught pre-algebra and there were only a handful of times that she even needed my help. I am very "mathy" as well, so I think I may only need it for the answers. Are there answers in the back of the student text?


2. Are there tests available for either text? Or, are there tests included in the student text?


3. From the reviews in these forums, it seems the programs are very similar. Are there any major differences between the two programs?


Thank you!

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Good morning,


I am thinking of using one of these texts for Algebra I and I have a few questions:


1. Are there teacher's editions available? If so, are they necessary? DD basically self-taught pre-algebra and there were only a handful of times that she even needed my help. I am very "mathy" as well, so I think I may only need it for the answers. Are there answers in the back of the student text?


I have Foerster's. There are answers in the back for odd numbered questions. I bought the solutions manual rather then the teacher's edition because the SM has worked solutions where I believe the TM only has the answers.


2. Are there tests available for either text? Or, are there tests included in the student text?


There are chapter review tests in the student text and that's what I use with my daughter. I think there are other resources availible from Pearson but a) I think the chap. tests are sufficient for tests and for making larger exams and b) Pearson is such a pain to deal with I never bothered trying to get any more resources.


3. From the reviews in these forums, it seems the programs are very similar. Are there any major differences between the two programs?


Thank you!


I haven't seen Lial's. Foerster's is very clear and straightforward with no distracting sidebars or graphics. It's got tons of practice questions. My daughter works through it on her own generally, coming to me only when she's stuck and generally enjoying the work.

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I have Foerster's. There are answers in the back for odd numbered questions. I bought the solutions manual rather then the teacher's edition because the SM has worked solutions where I believe the TM only has the answers.



There are chapter review tests in the student text and that's what I use with my daughter. I think there are other resources availible from Pearson but a) I think the chap. tests are sufficient for tests and for making larger exams and b) Pearson is such a pain to deal with I never bothered trying to get any more resources.



I haven't seen Lial's. Foerster's is very clear and straightforward with no distracting sidebars or graphics. It's got tons of practice questions. My daughter works through it on her own generally, coming to me only when she's stuck and generally enjoying the work.


I don't have any experience with Lial's, but just wanted to say :iagree: with pretty much everything Wishbone Dawn said (my dd and I are both mathy). I didn't have any problems dealing with the publisher, though.

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Sorry, it's been a long day. Picked up a little stray today, then came home to find our beagle had some large wounds to her side and leg...she and one of the other dogs got into a tizzy while we were gone...


Ok so Lials is a no nonsense approach to us. There are practice questions in the margins when a concept is introduced, then a series of questions after each section, then a review and a test. The answers to the margin questions are in the book and there are answers to the odds for the section exercises and the tests in the back.


We bought the student book and the solutions manual (only works the odds and all of the test questions ), and then I went back and ordered the answer book because I wanted all the answers. If DD is having issues, we slow down and work everything. Her dad teaches her. The ISBN#'s for anything available for the book are on the back of the students book. Makes it very easy to order anything.


We like it alot; it's lay out is neat and orderly. To us it's not a frilly curriculum. DD hates math because she struggles, but she likes this style of book from those that she's tried. And it seems that there is not any of this 'new math' teaching style being taught. My DH says it's straightforward and to the point.

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I don't have any experience with Lial's, but just wanted to say :iagree: with pretty much everything Wishbone Dawn said (my dd and I are both mathy). I didn't have any problems dealing with the publisher, though.


I should have qualified my statement by saying I'm in Canada. They don't have Oasis here and have to special order American math texts so there's an extra level of hassle.

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