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Small error in HO vol 1 -- is it worth saying anything?

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So I was reading Part 4, Chapter 2 on the rise of Islam. I'm actually not having ds read it as we use other resources and he's really familiar with the info in it anyway. But as I was reading it, I noticed that the picture on pg 466 is mislabeled -- it says that it's a page of Arabic script from the Qur'an, but it is not from the Qur'an. I can see the confusion, because in its layout it looks "Qur'an-ish".. it is religious, but it's more like prayers/dua's a Muslim would say, kwim?


But I'm guessing most people won't know (or care). Would you write to the publisher?


Edited to add:


Actually, I don't know who to contact -- at a glance at their website, most contacts are tied to people who are enrolled with them, which we aren't. Maybe I can just leave it as an FYI to people on here who are using the book :)

Edited by Kate in Arabia
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What it looks like to me is a page from a separate book of "devotions" (is that the right term?) -- like prayers in praise of Muhammad but also asking for blessings from God, etc. etc. Very common.


Well, I'm vacillating, because I can see the possibility that there is a copy somewhere that had extra prayers for people at the end (although it sounds unlikely), I mean most Qur'an's I see these days have the official "prayer-you-recite-when-you-finish-reading-the-Qur'an" prayer at the back, but this isn't it.


But when I read a caption that says it is a page from the Qur'an I would expect it to be actual verses from the Qur'an, no? It's kind of a thing for the kids and I to see if we can figure out which surah/chapter it is (sometimes tricky when it's an older and/or more flowery script). This is clearly not verses from the Qur'an. But is it in the realm of possibility that it was in the back pages of someone's medieval copy? I suppose so.


Does that make sense? I'm over-thinking it.

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My daughter and I discovered an error in the Story of Science and I had her email the author. They had the sweetest correspondence going for a while. Joy Hakim sent her some chapters of her new book to fact check and respond to. Anyway, I think it's great if there is a single author and you have a reason to contact them. More likely, the author just told the publishing company that there should be a picture of Arabic text and someone else pulled it up and nobody really knew what it meant. Still, send a note to them for the sake of future editions.

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Well I tried to send a note. I had a hard time navigating their website to try and find an email address -- almost all contacts were phone numbers and for people enrolled with them (we're not). I ended up just sending a note on their main page where they have a space for people's inquiries for further information. Hopefully it will get forwarded to the right person -- otherwise, if anyone who uses them has an email address I could use that would be helpful..

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It was a bit of a saga trying to get in touch with an actual person at K12. In the end I looked in the back of the book at the credits page and started Google searching the photo editors for an email address, lol. I did finally get a response -- "Thanks for bringing this to my attention, the Revision Media Editor will be making a replacement." So hopefully it was of benefit!

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