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do I need TM for grade 2 CLE LA?


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I think you could get by without it. I do use it for the spelling quizzes and tests, but you could make those up yourself off the lists. I also occasionally need to see how they answer something. Mostly with the dictionary markings. I never can remember what one dot over an o sounds like. You could probably look that stuff up online, though.


So, I think it's definitely not a waste of money and will make life slightly easier. However, you can get by without it.

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It also provides all the oral review questions and tells you when to use the phonics cards, if you choose to purchase those. It also tells you what examples to use when introducing the new topic. I feel like there is a lot of explanation of various things in there for the teacher. I wouldn't want to try to use the LA without it, honestly.




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I think you could get by without it. I do use it for the spelling quizzes and tests, but you could make those up yourself off the lists. I also occasionally need to see how they answer something. Mostly with the dictionary markings. I never can remember what one dot over an o sounds like. You could probably look that stuff up online, though.


So, I think it's definitely not a waste of money and will make life slightly easier. However, you can get by without it.


:iagree:My sentiments exactly. We have it and use it. Could I get by without it? Yes. . .but it's so inexpensive and does simplify the lessons as well as grading.

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