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Beast Academy and Singapore

Esse Quam Videri

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I'm going to take the plunge and order BA. We're halfway through SM 3A with DD and we also use IP. How do you all combine the two? Is it too much with workbook, IP, and BA? Do you use BA text only, practice book only, or both? How quickly can I expect to get through BA as a supplement? DD passed 3A assessment, so I think we would start her in 3B, but is it worth going through 3A too?

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Ds is doing Singapore 4A and Beast Acad 3A at the same time. I usually just ask him which he wants to do that day. Sometimes we do both if he gets kind of tired of one before our alloted math time is done.


I think 3A is worth doing for sure. There are plenty of challenging concepts and problems in the first chapter. Other people have indicated that the first chapter of 3A is the hardest (I can't say yet as we are still on that chapter). Most of the first chapter (geometry) was new to ds, even after having completed Singapore 3A & B.

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My son is in Singapore 4A and has completed BA 3A and is now working through BA 3B. He loves it! He does Singapore Monday - Thursday and BA on Friday and Saturday (we do a little work on Saturdays). We use both the text and the practice book. He worked through 3A in about 4-6 weeks this summer doing it everyday. By working on it only twice a week, he's completed about 3/4ths of 3B in 7 weeks of school so far.


My dd (his older sister) is using Saxon 54. She started BA 3a when my ds did this summer, but she's still working on it. So, the speed at which your dc moves through will depend on how quickly he catches onto math and how much he enjoys it. My dd enjoys BA, but it's more challenging for her and she doesn't enjoy math enough in general to keeping working and working past the required math time like her brother.

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I think I'm going to add in the Beast 3a also. I have the books (just 3a) and we are working on Singapore 4a.


One question - are they pretty independent? Or are they more like Singapore (needs more guidance)? If they are independent, that would be great.

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We use both the textbook and workbook. I would definitely recommend both. The workbook wouldn't be nearly as fun without the textbook. The textbook would be okay without the workbook, but you would miss most of the challenging puzzles.


It is hard to say how long it would take to go through because we have been doing them more as the mood strikes us. :D I know many parents have reported their kids reading the textbook in one day. That is certainly possible. But I don't know if those kids are doing the questions/games in the book. I'm guessing they come back to those later.


I think they could be done independently - more so than Singapore. However, it would depend on your kid. I am sure that ds could read the textbook and then complete the workbook on his own, BUT I don't trust him to stop when the textbook tells him to and try to figure something out. I'm pretty sure he would just keep reading and read the answer. :tongue_smilie:


As an example, at one point in the book it is asking the reader to find how many shapes he/she can find given certain parameters. I closed the book at that point, had ds try it, then we read on (where they tell you the answers). If he was reading it himself, I think he would just keep reading and miss the part where he is supposed to figure it out first. He would still learn from that, but I think it is better to make sure he is figuring it out on his own before letting him move on. Some kids may be better about stopping when the book says to stop and figure something out. :D


We are definitely enjoying it. It is challenging. The geometry is new material to him, but not inaccessible. I think the other chapters will be good review and also give ds a new way of looking at things.

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