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I have PH pre-alg and alg complete sets that I was given as well as Saxon alg 2 homestudy set (I have the Dive CD somewhere, but I haven't go a clue where it ended up in our move)


Would receiving these for free help you out? I would be more than happy to send them to you. I also have Apologia General Science that I don't want.....I'd give you that as well if you can use it.


Just a pass it forward when you are done with them.


Let me know.

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I have PH pre-alg and alg complete sets that I was given as well as Saxon alg 2 homestudy set (I have the Dive CD somewhere, but I haven't go a clue where it ended up in our move)


Would receiving these for free help you out? I would be more than happy to send them to you. I also have Apologia General Science that I don't want.....I'd give you that as well if you can use it.


Just a pass it forward when you are done with them.


Let me know.



I emailed you.

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Guest Katia

Our experience is that, no, you would not miss having a DVD program. My older dd used Saxon with DIVE, TT with CDs and Lial's with DVT. They did not help her at all. She simply did NOT understand algebra, although to give her credit she has worked and worked to try and understand.


Enter Life of Fred: She has graduated from high school but younger sister has LOF, so older dd picks them up and gives them a try. She LOVES them. She is finally understanding algebra. So.....before she heads off to college, where she is not doing a math major and will not really 'need' math, she is working through the LOF algebra and geometry books. Why? Because she knows math is necessary and because with Fred she is finally understanding.


I only wish I had known about Fred years ago. What a lot of money I would have saved and the kids would all have managed to get through Calculus and Statistics instead of me searching and searching for a 'good' math program.


And, we love the author. Any problems or questions? Give him an email or a call. He is there and willing to 'help' (actually he gives hints but NOT the answers or even how to get the answer; hard to explain but makes the kids think and it's fun!)


Younger dd is still working through TT because we started on that path, but her 'main' math program is LOF now.

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I have been looking at it as well just for fun night time reading.


I did find this blog and review that someone wrote about some offensive items they managed to pick out of the books.


Just thought I would pass it along since I just ran across it today. I don't know the person who wrote the review, or if it is enough not to purchase them. Maybe these few sentences could be worded somehow differently if this is something you do not want your children to be exposed to.





As I looked farther down the blog they have actually changed them in the next edition.





Click on the link to see the changes!!!


Jean you look GREAT!!!! Congrats!!!

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I have been looking at it as well just for fun night time reading.


I did find this blog and review that someone wrote about some offensive items they managed to pick out of the books.


Just thought I would pass it along since I just ran across it today. I don't know the person who wrote the review, or if it is enough not to purchase them. Maybe these few sentences could be worded somehow differently if this is something you do not want your children to be exposed to.





As I looked farther down the blog they have actually changed them in the next edition.





Click on the link to see the changes!!!


Jean you look GREAT!!!! Congrats!!!


Thank you ! :)

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many of you have heard form me over the yeard as we bounced from one math program to another trying to find a math program for our oldest son. We have tried it all- you name it more than likely it has been in this house. We would love it and then it would fizzle.....


Along came Fred. I love Fred... Christopher loves Fred... Fred has made us not dread math time.


I e-mailed the author with Many .. many questions prior to purchase.. He answered them all ... promptly.


Christopher has almost finished the Beginning Alg Book and will begin on the adv. Alg or the Geometry book next. No worries. I do have Jacobs alg and geometry on the shelf as Well as Dolchinani if needed for extra practice. So far none needed :)


My younger son has no math issues. He loves Fred too - Loves Saxon as well - He is in seventh grade (starting in a few weeks) he will be finishing saxon 8/7 , doing Teaching Co. Joy of Math, Teaching Co. Basic Math, LOF Decimals and Fractions and then Beginning Alg ... I do not have a time table for these. He is just going to work through them.....


I also second the when you have a problem in LOF. E-mail your work to the author he will tell you where your mistake is- not what it is and give you a nudge in the right direction. that is usually all it takes. We should have all been as lucky to have had math teachers like the author :)



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I just read a bunch of reviews on the LoF web site and I like what I am seeing, but I am wondering how self-teaching these books are?


You know how Saxon is supposed to be self-teaching? Well, I have a kid who had to be taught every stinkin' lesson and needed help with every exercise. FWIW, she's using LOF Fractions now and rarely needs help. Even better, she likes math now. She talks all the time about how much she loves Fred.

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