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CAPD and reading?

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My dd is almost 12yo, and we are just now having her evaluated for CAPD. (She has an appointment with an audiologist just before Thanksgiving.) She is really struggling socially more than academically, but I do have some questions regarding her schoolwork.


1) Read alouds. I've seen them recommended as something parents can do to help....and I have often read aloud (a LOT when the kids were younger, less so in the last couple years, but still some. Her brothers are 2 and 4 years older...she gets 'grouped' with the older kids.) She HATES read alouds...always has, because she has a hard time following the story auditorily. She'd rather read it herself, and I understand that (I'm the same way.) The book I assigned most recently was too hard for her to read (Calico Bush), so I decided to help by reading it aloud to her....unfortunately that didn't work too well. She became frustrated because she couldn't follow what was happening. So...do I make her listen even if she isn't following...stopping periodically to summarize what is happening? Have her read along? I'm not really sure how to make "read alouds" work for her! When the read alouds were for all 3 older kids...I made her listen (but there was no test on comprehension....she just had to sit there quiet.) But I think she just tuned out. [i am exceptionally good at reading aloud...trust me, its not that she has trouble listening to me read. My other kids would much prefer me read aloud to them.] I think its just the language is beyond her...if I read aloud American Girl books to her, I think she could probably follow those. Should I make her listen to easier audio books? If so, recommendations?


2) Her standardized testing says her lexile is 1100 (above grade level), yet I'm seeing that she is reading more like 600-800? (below grade level) I can't imagine how she scored so well.... I'm guessing I should just ignore the higher lexile?


3) The vocabulary seems to be the big stumbling block...she is so frustrated if she doesn't understand the words. Rather than just assign books, maybe with this child she needs a structured reading program that defines each new word? Oy! Right now she is getting her literature/reading from our history....American Girl (which she can read easily) along with a harder book she reads independently and does a book report on (which so far, isn't working too well, as I overestimated her reading ability.) Suggestions?




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