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Top 2 readalouds for Middle Ages, and top 3 for Renaissance?

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For a 7th grade girl and 5th grade boy. I have tons of books, but I'm terrible at choosing which ones are best to read out loud.


For example - Beorn the Proud was not a great read-aloud in the grammar stage, but good book. :)

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For MA I like Otto of the Silver Hand and The Door in the Wall as read-alouds.


Thank you! I read-aloud Door in the Wall in the grammar stage. We loved that.


Does anyone know if Adam of the Road is a good read-aloud?

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DD is reading LOTR. It is obviously fiction, but I think it works for middle ages. How about something from 1001 nights? I love the stories of SInbad. As for Renaissance, Shakespeare is an obvious choice!


Thanks, my 7th grader is doing LLfLOtR - so that is covered! I have Arabian Nights by Kate Douglas Wiggins on my Kindle - do you have another translation/adaptation in mind?

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I don't think it's too difficult for most kids that age to read themselves.


I RA Grimm's complete fairy tales once, though I think that was for early modern. This year I am RA 1001 Nights to my sixth grader. I chose this translation based on some Amazon reviews:




Cannot find it on Amazon for some reason. The reviewer who recommended actually discussed it as a RA for children and noted that it is the version most faithful to the original, without the addition of sensational or modern elements.


My 11 yo loves it, but in the interests of full disclosure, it does have sex, and it presents "black slaves" in a way that I thought merited some discussion. But it seems "medieval" as we read so I think it's been a success.

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Middle Ages:

Beowulf - we have the cd of Seamus Heaney's tranlation

Adam of the Road - I'll read aloud



Lamb's Shakespeare stories - select

watch several plays


My children listen horribly to read alouds - they tune me out! They are both totally visual learners but I don't want them to be weak auditory for college lectures... So, I want to minimize how many read alouds, yet read a couple each semester.


I just need one more Renaissance rec then we are good... Thanks!

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Are you looking for historical fiction or for a "classic" from the period?


I have lots of books - historical fiction and many of the "great books" listed in Omnibus and WTM. So, either category that would be good read out loud. Thanks!

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