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Does this mean anything?

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I just got CogAt and ITBS scores back for my twelve-year-old seventh grader. His results seem to be really good. I'm wondering if I should trust them and feel awesome, or if I'm somehow wishfully interpreting them. Shoot me full of holes, please.


With the ITBS, he scored grade level equivalent 13+ in everything except math concepts & estimation (10.9), math computation (11.8) and science (12.8). His percentile composite is 97%, with lows in capitalization (89%), punctuation (84%) and science (86%). Everything else was in the nineties with four scores above 95%, two of those 99%. His stanines include two sevens, but are mostly nines.


With the CogAt, his composite score has him at the 97th percentile, stanine of 9.


So, is this awesome? Or is this a really easy test? Or maybe both of those things are true.


Also, and I realize this is a vague question but I can't quite articulate it better, does this mean anything? Maybe I mean, should I do anything with or about these scores, besides email Grandma? We have been happily using a relaxed LCC-inspired curriculum for the past four years. He's not enrolled in any kind of classes or programs or talent searches. Would you let these scores change anything you do?

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I'd say it is pretty awesome!!! Yay!!!


As to what to do about his education I think you would need to consider whether he is currently being challenged or not. If he is zipping through things they may be too easy. In other words, those scores may help me keep my eyes open to how he is doing in his everyday school work. I would adjust what I was doing based on how he was doing on his day to day school work.

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They're very good scores. It's also a limited (not "easy" test).


About Grade Equivalence... Those scores don't mean that he "scored at X level" -- they mean that someone at X level who took the same test he did would be expected to get a similar score. For bright kids, that often means that they begin hitting the ceiling and scoring as an adult (13+) would on many sections from middle school on. It's nice to see the 13+s, but they're not really helpful scores. They just don't mean much. *Shrug*


The percentiles are more useful. Having a high range of scores in the core subjects especially means he's doing really well. Great! And a 9th stanine on the CogAT tells you he pretty much did as well on the test as it's able to determine.


His scores are high enough that you could sign him up for one of the "talent search" programs, depending on where you live. Those may or may not be worthwhile, depending on what needs you need filled. They're a way to look for intellectual peers, if you feel he's missing those, or you can do camps ($$$) and such that offer enrichment... For kids who are already deeply involved in some activity (music or science competitions or dance or chess, etc, etc), they're already getting that elsewhere. For kids who are exploring still or who live in an area with limited resources, those programs can be a huge blessing.


Sounds like he did great -- and you can both be reassured that you've been doing a great job! :)

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The ITBS scores between the 90th and 94th percentiles indicate that he has mastered grade level material in those areas (if it was the 7th grade test, then 7th grade level material). The scores in the 80s indicate that he may have mastered grade level material in those areas. And the ones at the 95th percentile and higher mean that he is likely working (or ready to work) at a higher level.


They are very good scores.

Edited by EKS
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There's an online interpretation of the CogAT scores. You can do a search for the link.... should be about 2-3 or so pages describing what each stanine represents.


With 9th stanine, I'd see if your child is interested in a talent search. 7th grade is a great year for it! Duke TIP, Northwestern NUMATS, Johns Hopkins CTY - any are good.

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