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X Post: Can anyone tell me about Lively Latin BB 2?

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Ds (4th grade) is reviewing LL1 and will be ready for LL2 soon. I would like to hear from anyone who has used/is using BB2 before I buy it.


How does BB2 compare to BB1? Do you recommend BB2 or something else to follow BB1?


What about typing errors? I'm learning Latin along with ds, and I depend on correct answer keys to help me.


Ds has really enjoyed BB1.


I would appreciate any words of experience! Thanks!

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  • 3 months later...

:lurk5: I am wondering too if errors have been fixed in both Lively Latin 1 and 2. Plus, are the errors easy to spot?



Before we used LL1, my ds son and I worked through Getting Started with Latin when he was in 2nd grade. With just that experience, I've been able to recognize some of the errors in BB1. We've only spotted just a few errors thankfully. Before purchasing the curriculum last year, the author had corrected a lot of them. We have not had any overwhelming problems. I had never been exposed to Latin before GSwL. Ds and I are learning together. Now, there may be errors we didn't detect in LLBB1, but we have not had any trouble following LL. We worked through 3/4 of it last year when ds was in 3rd grade, started at the beginning of LLBB1 this year to review 1st semester of 4th grade, and will finish BB1 in second semester.


If he would like to continue Latin, I think we'll use LLBB2.

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My 5th grade dd is just about to finish LL1, and we'll move into LL2 after. It is a lot more difficult than the first, and my now 14yo struggled with it when he did it. I switched him to LP1, then did VL with him in 8th grade. I think part of the problem for ds was that I tried to keep up the same pace with LL2 that we had done for LL1. With dd I'll slow her down a lot and try to work in review as we go as well. Hopefully that will work better.


I've never been bothered by errors. I've found a few, but every curriculum has a few errors. Maybe I'm missing them or maybe the majority were found and corrected. I don't know, but they haven't been an issue for me.

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We liked BB2 just as much as BB1, but they are different. BB2 is more academic and less fun, less gentle, and moves faster, so we found it necessary to slow down and supplement with fun stuff.


The author has been receptive to receiving reports of errors and sending out corrections/updating the website files.

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I should slow down. We have been going the pace we did with LL1. They are learning direct and indirect objects now. Ds 8 is doing very well with diagraming all the complicated sentences with adjectives, and preposition phrases. The grammar is more advanced than even Rod and staff English 5, which ds 10 is doing.

I like this workbook kind of Latin because it gives dc lots of practice and they can do it more or less independently. I hope the author will do LL 3. Does anyone know if she plans to do this or not? Our next step will be to do Latin Prep. But it is less work bookish (i have the workbooks for LP 1) and maybe less independent.

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We liked BB2 just as much as BB1, but they are different. BB2 is more academic and less fun, less gentle, and moves faster, so we found it necessary to slow down and supplement with fun stuff.


The author has been receptive to receiving reports of errors and sending out corrections/updating the website files.


I would love to hear what fun stuff you're adding to BB2.

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