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GWG question

Karen sn

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If you use this - I need help.

I want to start with GWG 5 for our next school year.

This looks like a wonderful program.


However - we have been working on reading (slight dyslexic issues) and so we have not done too much in the realm of grammer.


What would I need to do to get her caught up to this level. She is very smart and if any of you have used this curriculum and could just give me a list of what you think I need to cover before we start at level 5 - I would greatly appreciate it.


She is 11yo and so I can cover any missed material in short time frame because she is beyond ready for it.


Thank you so much!

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If you go to the Growing with Grammar website, you can see the table of contents for Grade 4 and know if you are missing anything.


She'd probably be fine with Grade 5 if she knows the very basics, like parts of speech. Depending on how strong her reading level is, you may need to work with her as opposed to having her do most of it independently.

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