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Math-U-See Delta?


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We're only a few lessons in, but I'm wondering if there's a better fit for my DS who is 9. He does the math just fine but he has zero interest in using the blocks for the lessons. He'd rather just write it, etc (this is his first year using MUS and maybe that's part of it?).


So is there a better fit for him out there? Should I just stick with MUS next year? I'm not switching it out this year unless something goes terribly wrong with it, which I don't foresee happening.



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I had my son watch the videos and then use the blocks once or so just to show that he understood. We did not use them over and over as is suggested by the program.


As for a replacement, I believe that Math Mammoth has subject specific materials. However, the MUS fractions book is pretty good.

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If they don't need the blocks or don't want to use them thy have internalized the process and are able or beginning to think abstractly and no longer new the visual and concrete materials to help them. Carry on! You may find that down the road they need the visual aids and hands on practice with the blocks if a new concept stumps them, but that is why they are available, for when you need them!

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Thank you ladies!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a kid that isn't using the blocks! :)


Maadrose, I like the way you said that! That really makes me feel better about it. Maybe he'll use them as we get further into the year. Right now, it's still stuff we touched on at the end of last year.

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