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Castle (TV Show) Fans???

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My love for Nathan Fillion is second only to that of my beloved Johnny Depp and I am a HUGE Castle fan. UGE <-so big there's no room for the 'H' huge. I was dying after the season 4 finale and thought Andrew Marlow really pulled off a marvelous ending for what was essential a cr*ptacular season (I might still be a little bit bitter, but the season finale moved AM up slightly in my good graces). Season 5 starts in a few weeks! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


If you haven't seen it yet, ABC has put out the first promo for S5. I have already watched it about a million times. I cannot WAIT for S5! There had better be some serious s*xytimes this season. Preferably with a shirtless Nathan and good lighting (don't get me started on the horrible lighting they used in S4!). Anyone else on the Castle train?


BTW, it comes on here a day after it airs in the States, and that's the day we fly to Rome. Ahhhhh! When I booked our tickets, I booked a late afternoon flight (it was also one of the less expensive flights) so my mom and I would be able to watch it on hulu before we fly as it should be up by then. :D


If we used hash tags, this one would read #Iamaseriousdorkwithtoomuchtimeonmyhands

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I'm right there with ya! I can't wait. That is one show DH will even stay up for.


James Bond is a big Castle fan too. We started watching it because...well, our choices are often quite limited on AFN and there wasn't much else on. JB practically worships Firefly (me too, but mostly for Cap'n Tight Pants) and when he saw that Nathan Fillion was starring in it, wanted to watch. We're now both addicted and have watched our S1-3 DVD's over and over. Him for the stories (whatever!) and me for NF (and maybe the stories).

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