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Back to School Traditions


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The past few years we celebrate "not back to school day" on the first day of PS in our area. We pick up doughnuts and head to the park to play. I have the kids make a poster that has Not Back to School on it, as well as the school year (2012-2013) before we go. I take pictures of them holding it up.


I will probably get them each a few little school supplies. This will be DD's K year so I may do the Schultute this time.

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We usually start sliding back into some school work a couple weeks before the public schools around here begin, but since dh is a public school teacher, we have our official "Back to School" day on his first day of school with his students. We have first day of school pictures with Daddy and then with our new school books. After he leaves, we head out for bagels and then the boys get a back to school gift of new supplies and usually a book or DVD that's a topic of interest to them before we dive into our official new year. It's hard to believe this will be our 4th year of this tradition. I still feel like a newbie!

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It's hard to believe this will be our 4th year of this tradition. I still feel like a newbie!


I wonder how long people homeschool before they feel like an expert?? I wonder if it ever happens? Or no because just when you get one stage working your kids grow into a new one? Maybe feel like a perpetual newb will keep us on our toes and better able to adapt... :D

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We're hoping to start a yearly camping trip tradition.


That sounds AWESOME!!



I just took pictures last Sunday and I am going to have the kids write a report all about them. It won't be graded or corrected as I want to have something that reflects who they are right now. I would like to have an end of the year report as well. It will be fun to read in years to come.


What a great idea! I'm into binding our own books and can envision how I would bind such a treasure trove of material!! I may have to add that in soon!

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