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Why can't people read? To fix, or not to fix?

To fix or not to fix, that is the question?  

  1. 1. To fix or not to fix, that is the question?

    • Fix 'em-they're just kids, and they'll be disappointed if their work isn't displayed
    • Enter as is and let the chips fall where they may
    • Something else-please make suggestions
    • cupcakes!

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Same here. You're just the courier service. Let the judges decide whether or not to allow the incorrectly done entries. Not your job.


This would be me, too. You didn't volunteer to inspect and evaluate their work. They should just be able to hand it to you, and you turn it in - end of your responsibility. They didn't follow the rules? Too bad, so sad.

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You aren't a loser for having a bad or hectic day. We have all btdt.:grouphug:


You aren't a loser for not reading the directions or not having done it ahead of time. We have all slipped and btdt too.:grouphug:


If you are understanding and accepting that it means the entry doesn't qualify, then there is certainly no quarrel there either.:grouphug:


I don't think anyone has an issue with any of those three things.:grouphug:


However, usually where I see the thorn is when it seems the first two things are the norm to be expected and the third never happens. Iow, when I mess up, I don't get mad at other people for not rearranging their plans to suit me or because they don't stop and do it for me or because they didn't remind me multiple times or or ... I just figure I'll do better next time and move on.


So. If you are the first three examples, then hugs and it's just a lesson to note for future contests participation. And please thank her for making the extra effort to extend some extra time towards you so the entry can make it.:grouphug:


If however, you are one of the moms who calls furious and demanding that exceptions be made or that they do it for you or insisting how unreasonable the requirement were? Yeahhhh. That's not nice.


I am sure you are a nice person,:D but some of us have had plenty of not nice experiences to base our opinions on. Which really sucks for everyone.,<group hug snipped so I could insert my "I agrees">



It could be, who knows, but either way it is not the OP's responsibility to fix the mistake. The consequence should be put where it is due. I'm sure there are those who just missed the instructions, forgot, etc. I'm sure there are others that just didn't care. Unfortunately the consequence is the same for both. For those who just had an oversight they likely won't again. No big deal, this isn't life or death.



In fairness, this was very much a case of "Everything coming in at one time". In my case, I taught a co-op class yesterday, so I didn't even LOOK at the art entries until I got them home. If I had, I could have handed them back to parents then-and I should have done exactly that. And so far, the parents that I've contacted have been more than willing to make changes and haven't complained to me about it. I think in some cases, it was that the parent put the responsibility on the child and didn't check what they'd done, especially for families with multiple kids.

Glad it;s working out well. And if you do this next year you'll know to take time to check them at co-op. And from what I remember at school, the art teacher provided the mats or identification forms and it was done as part of class time... you might not have the class time with everyone to sdo it together, but you probably could provide a form for them to print out or fill in for the back of the artwork, if it would make your job easier.

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