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Journey to the Center of the Earth Movie Question

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We have an opportunity to see this movie in 3D on vacation next week. Would this movie be appropriate for our kiddos aged 15, 13, 13 (all boys), and 8yog. We haven't seen many movies in the theatre (big effects) b/c we usually wait for stuff to come out on DVD. Even our older kids have only seen very select PG-13 movies - probably could count # oldest has seen on one hand. All that to say that we are Christians and don't like s@x, violence, bad language and bad attitudes in our movies. I'm mostly wondering about this for my 8yog, as she's seen movies like Piglet's Big Adventure in the theater. She has seen National Treasure, some Star Wars (the original, whatever number that is NOW0 and that sort of thing on DVD.


What do you all think?




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So far the reviews look ok and we are planning to go with kids 16,14,12. I do not know if the 8-yr-old would find it too intense, with T-Rex and carnivorous plants and what not jumping out at you - perhaps just the guys could go, and you and dd cold see or do something else?

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I saw this yesterday with my 12, 10 & 8 yo. We all loved it. It was fun, exciting, and thoroughly enjoyable. One scary part w/the dinosaur though so keep that in mind if your kids are easily scared.


We never see movies in the theatre because it's just too expensive but this is one we really wanted to see on the big screen and we're really glad we did. We went to a matinee to keep the cost down.

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