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We got 5 chickens today!!! It's such an exciting day in our house!


We'd been planning to get chickens next spring, but these fell in our lap today -a friend of a friend needed to find a new home for them since her new rental won't allow chickens.


So can you give me a crash course in chicken care? :) I know 4 of them are Red Sex-linked, but I'm not sure about the other so if it looks familiar and you can tell me what it is, I'd appreciate it!

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LOVE chickens! They are the sweetest, stupidest things! :)


If they have a coop, waterer and food, then you are probably set. We let ours wander the yard during the day. People always ask how we put them to bed. Um, we just close the door after they put themselves to bed. :) We give ours layer crumble and scratch. Ours stop laying if we don't give them scratch. They might not lay for a couple of days, until they get over the surprise of a new place.


Have fun!

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If they don't go to bed in the right spot it is really easy to pick them up and move them once they settle in for the night.


I would guess that your other chicken is a Golden-Laced Wyandotte. The way the black is on the border of each feather is something that I haven't noticed in other breeds besides the Wyandotte. But I could be wrong.

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LOVE chickens! They are the sweetest, stupidest things! :)


If they have a coop, waterer and food, then you are probably set. We let ours wander the yard during the day. People always ask how we put them to bed. Um, we just close the door after they put themselves to bed. :) We give ours layer crumble and scratch. Ours stop laying if we don't give them scratch. They might not lay for a couple of days, until they get over the surprise of a new place.


Have fun!


I had no idea how much fun chickens could be! They're like pets who just happen to lay eggs!


We have a coop that's waaaaay too small for them - the woman who gave it to us said it's actually a bunny hutch, but she was using it for them. We're building them a new coop and they're free ranging in our backyard so they're not stuck in the coop much.


They're not laying right now, but I'm guessing it's either the shock or they are and we just haven't found their hiding spots yet...


If they don't go to bed in the right spot it is really easy to pick them up and move them once they settle in for the night.


I would guess that your other chicken is a Golden-Laced Wyandotte. The way the black is on the border of each feather is something that I haven't noticed in other breeds besides the Wyandotte. But I could be wrong.


Thanks! She does look JUST LIKE the pics I googled. Awesome!


I second the Golden-Laced Wyandotte. So pretty!


Food, water, nesting box, coop, roost, run.


Backyard Chickens website is a good resource for all things chicken.


Food, check. Water, check. The rest we're working on as quickly as possible. Thanks for the Backyard Chicken website. I've been reading on there too. I want them to be happy and healthy!


Make sure their coop is very secure! We have critters constantly trying to get our girls at night, but we have the Fort Knox of chicken coops, so no critter has got a midnight snack yet. :).


Wow. I would have expected things to go for the eggs more than the chickens. I've heard of eagles go for chickens, but we don't have that much here. I'll definitely be on the lookout now and we're working on Ft. Knox!

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Congrats! We love our chickens. We are up to 18 now-one being an accidental rooster. Pretty much food, water, and a safe coop covers it. We have lost chickens to fox and coyote and have heard of others losing them to racoons and bear. Lots of things like a chicken dinner!


We give ours oyster shell free choice as well. And if you aren't going to let them out to free range, they should have grit free choice. Mine aren't laying great right now because they are molting and it's super hot.

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Yes, be sure the coop is secure. We lost 4 (of our 11) chickens overnight this week to a predator. :( So thankful dh went out there before the kids did.


Ditto the Backyard Chickens website.



Has the weather been hot where you live?


Yes - 107-110 the last few days. Of course, as soon as I said they're not laying eggs, DD ran inside with an egg. LOL! So I guess at least 1 of them is laying eggs. :)


And OMG about your chickens!!! That's just awful and I can't imagine walking out to find beloved chickens killed.


Congrats! We love our chickens. We are up to 18 now-one being an accidental rooster. Pretty much food, water, and a safe coop covers it. We have lost chickens to fox and coyote and have heard of others losing them to racoons and bear. Lots of things like a chicken dinner!


We give ours oyster shell free choice as well. And if you aren't going to let them out to free range, they should have grit free choice. Mine aren't laying great right now because they are molting and it's super hot.



Wow, yeah... I had no idea chickens were such a hit for animals to eat. It makes sense though. I'm relaying all the stories to DH and he's joking that he wants to put in a burglar system and such around their coop.

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Wow, yeah... I had no idea chickens were such a hit for animals to eat. It makes sense though. I'm relaying all the stories to DH and he's joking that he wants to put in a burglar system and such around their coop.


:D we had motion sensor lights and a very loud dog, but we're still finding raccoon paw prints up the side of the coop. He rigged an electric fence around the whole thing. He and the boys want to install a night vision camera to try to catch a pic of a raccoon being electrocuted. :lol:

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:D we had motion sensor lights and a very loud dog, but we're still finding raccoon paw prints up the side of the coop. He rigged an electric fence around the whole thing. He and the boys want to install a night vision camera to try to catch a pic of a raccoon being electrocuted. :lol:


HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd be doing the same thing to any critter that touched one of our girls!

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