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August 6th First Day of School Report!

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I know a lot of people on here had today as their first day of school so show me the pictures!! :D Pictures, links to blogs, tell us what you did, whatever! I was so excited to "officially" start today! And we actually got done before 11:00am, which probably won't happen very often since we are easing in to this. What did you guys do? Any First Day of School pictures? Special activities? Here's the link for my blog post about the day.



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Youngest started today, but olders are waiting a few weeks as they still have full summer schedules (internship, band camp.)


No pictures or blog posts. It doesn't feel like much of a holiday, because we only had a few weeks off (we go year round.) Same old, same old.


Technically, ds was supposed to start tomorrow, but I accidentally told him today last week, and so there was no stopping him. So now we are a day ahead. :D

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Technically, not our "first" day, as we've done schooling off and on all summer. However, today was our first day doing most everything except Grammar. I'll have to dig out my books and add that in next week LOL Today we did: Math, Vocabulary, and Spelling with the oldest 2. Reading, Science, History with all 3. We are studying the solar system, so we watched video documentaries of the Mars car to supplement. We even managed to do a narration :svengo:..... and no one died :lol:


Overall, it went well. Of course, YDS has a bad case of chiggers and spent the morning asleep from his dose of Benadryl. That meant we could get through the first three subjects (which I do with him alone) without interruption. It would be bad to give him Benadryl another 179 days, wouldn't it? :tongue_smilie:

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We almost didn't have a first day. Dd started this weekend with sore throat followed by clogged nose/slight fever. Figured it will be next week before we start. But after a night of prayer she woke all bouncy and eager to start. We got it all finished.

Ds started over the week end...his own choice. He was interested in starting art and Classical Mythology and More.


Sadly we did not take any pics. I do plan on adding a blog post about all the curriculum I am using (the likes, dislikes, how used)and a post about the World Cultures class I am making. We did however eat out on Saturday as a pre-celebration for the start of school and when the local store makes their Back to School Cakes we will get one.

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