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Anyone with any experience attending a Gurdwara?

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I just had to run to the bank and heard an interview on NPR with someone from the Sikh community.When asked what we can do to show support, he responded that it would be kind to attend the local Gurdwara and to pray with them. This made my heart happy. Anyone with experience? I just read the website of the local temple so I get that we need a scarves (my daughter wants to go, too) but I am curious to hear your suggestions. Thanks!

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Here is basically how it works. You will remove your shoes prior to entering. Ladies will were a scarf, men generally tie a bandana around their head. Ladies and men will sit on opposite sides of the room and on the floor. You sit and listen to the hymns, its very peaceful.


Afterwards, everyone will move over to another hall and have "langar" which is basically lunch. It consists of simple, healthy vegetarian food. Usually chapati, dal, rice and a veg. All the food is prepared and served to you by volunteers. You simply sit on the floor and they will bring you everything. This langar is open to all people, whomever would like to come in.


I think it's wonderful that you and your daughter would attend the gurdwara to show your support!

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I'm thinking this is something I would like to do with my son as well. I know my husband probably won't go with us, but that's okay.


Does anyone know if they will let him stay with me (he's 6) or will they expect him to go to the other side of the room with the men? What other expectations will there be for him? Do children his age also need to cover their heads, and with what?

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I'm thinking this is something I would like to do with my son as well. I know my husband probably won't go with us, but that's okay.


Does anyone know if they will let him stay with me (he's 6) or will they expect him to go to the other side of the room with the men? What other expectations will there be for him? Do children his age also need to cover their heads, and with what?


Yes your children can definitely stay with you. You can use a bandana around his head. They often have a basket with extra bandanas for those that forget, but I always prefer bringing my own.

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