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My new history schedule. Need some input.

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So I posted previously about doing only 2 rotations of history and I got some good feedback. I have tweaked the schedule and here is what I have so far. I only went as far as elementary because I am still confused about what to do.


K: Prehistory

1: SOTW 1

2: Ancient Greece/Rome (each one for 2 quarters)

3: Middle Ages

4: America

5: America


I left out bible history because I plan on combining it as it happens with out time period studies instead of dedicating a whole year to it. I also left out a year of Egypt because I don't know when to do it.


I really want to cover American studies in elementary instead of waiting until middle school.


Does this look ok? I'm interested what others think and what others do. Any and all input is greatly appreciated!! I'm especially interested in what to do with Egypt. Or should I just keep the schedule to how it was originally? I think I'm going to go crazy thinking this over! :willy_nilly:


1: SOTW 1

2: Bible History

3: Egypt

4: Greece

5: Rome

6: Middle Ages

7: America

8: America

9: Greece

10: Rome

11: Middle Ages

12: Modern





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Well, I will go against the classical flow here and say that I would not start a classical rotation until 2nd grade. I would spend K & 1st grade reading picture books about America and stories of people throughout history. You could also read some picture books about other cultures if you want. You don't have to read things in any order, just read and enjoy the books. It is really good to find books about children that lived during the time because that gives your child something to connect with. Also fables and stories from around the world would be fun to read.


I really think that young children have a difficult time understanding the order of history. I wouldn't even bring in the chronological order of events until later. I think you will get more out of your studies by waiting to start a classical rotation. I think 2nd grade is a good time to start, but I would still use lots of historical fiction during the first rotation through.


Anyway, this is JMHO. Feel free to take it or leave it. :)

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