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Detoxing from camp food???

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My dd with ADHD had a blast at camp, but now she is a complete zombie from lack of sleep and all the crap she ate. I can always tell when she's had junk because she starts doing these little obsessive eye twitches. It's crazy.


So what's the best way to get her system cleaned out? We're doing lots of water and good food, but is there something specific I should be giving her? Poor thing- it's like she's sick!

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Try beans if she'll eat them! They have a large amount of soluable fiber that binds to bile (which is full of fat soluable toxins.) Otherwise it gets reabsorbed in the GI tract. I don't have personal experience with it but I heard it works! Easy way to do it that I like best is mixing black beans and salsa then eating it with corn chips :) www.karenhurd.com has a page on ADD/ADHD that might have some suggestions. (she's a nutritionist) HTH and good luck.

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