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Saxon confusion


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Its designed to be 4 days a week with 1 days of review, but im confused beyond there.


Is it suppose to be The Meeting on Monday, etc OR How is is it suppose to be set up per day? I was going to skip The Meeting because C already knows whats covered. We were also going to skip right to Lesson 11/12 because she just needs some slight review with writing 2-digit numbers.


Is it possible to skip around? Im new to Saxon, we are switching from MUS.

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Its designed to be 4 days a week with 1 days of review, but im confused beyond there.


Is it suppose to be The Meeting on Monday, etc OR How is is it suppose to be set up per day? I was going to skip The Meeting because C already knows whats covered. We were also going to skip right to Lesson 11/12 because she just needs some slight review with writing 2-digit numbers.


Is it possible to skip around? Im new to Saxon, we are switching from MUS.


Do one lesson a day. Did you get the one day of review from TWTM? I think maybe that's the schedule recommended. We didn't do a review day - just did the next lesson.


The Meeting is supposed to be done everyday; however, I split it up during the week and only repeat daily the items that need to be worked on. If my child knows the months of the year - I don't make him repeat them every day. If he's having trouble counting money - it gets done each day. But don't skip the meeting altogether. Often there will be new concepts introduced in the meetings. They are usually bold-faced. They include counting by 7s and 12s.


Fact sheets should also be completed with each lesson.


Skipping lessons is tricky because Saxon will begin a concept with one lesson and then go back to it several lessons later. The best way to skip material that is review is to take the assessments from the start of the course. Once the child is no longer doing well on the assessments back up about 5 lessons and start from there. This works well if you are schooling math year round.


And one last tip - usually one side of the worksheet, side A, is sufficient.

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The one day of review is from Saxon. If you go at a pace of 4 lessons/week, you will complete the book in 30-36 weeks (depending on level). I like having the buffer for sick days. days math just doesn't get done, Labor Day, etc. I also don't review since DS hasn't seemed to need it yet; he just gets a math break on Friday if we are caught up.


I skipped the Meeting for a while during Saxon 1 - until I noticed that his skip counting was starting to suffer since he didn't have it down yet. Skip counting, money, and time are reinforced during the Meeting. It really doesn't take too much time, once you get into it. Like pp said, I go through and work on what DS needs work on. At some point the instructions will tell you, "Do the following once per week," so it does move on.


When we are pressed for time, I will skip the Meeting altogether - knowing that we will cover it on days we have more time. If we do more than one lesson a day, I will do only one fact sheet and one Meeting for that day.


If I want to skip a lesson if it is really easy or I think DS knows it, I just look at the "Lesson" part, cover it quickly, have DS do only the relevant problem(s) on that day's worksheet, then move on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest lisamtracy

We have done Saxon from k-2nd now, we are in 2nd grade with DD. The lessons do repeat from year to year also, so skipping is difficult. Even though my DD already knows what we are learning right now, it's a good review since future lessons are built on these first lessons. We use the meeting book every day with Math because there is something new each day, like patterns, graphs, weather charting, etc. It's my daughter's favorite part of Math. We also do not do a review day. :) I tried to skip once and it messed me up since we missed a new concept so I had to go back and reteach.

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I agree with pp, I would not skip around and I would do a lesson a day except for on trickier concepts. When we hit a topic that is more dificult, I stretch that lesson to 2 days, doing the backside of the worksheet the second day after I re-teach or review that lesson.


For the meeting, I scheduled different parts of it to be done on different days, rather than doing the entire thing every day or skipping it altogether. We do a calendar time together right after Bible, when we go over the date, weather, etc. Then we have a Morning Board with a 100 chart on it, and we do different skip-counting chants each day. Doing the whole meeting as it is laid out in the TM leaves me too exhausted to actually teach the lesson :tongue_smilie:!

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