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your recs on hs science for future vet.

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Here's the sequence I've used/am using with my science-minded ds:


8th: Apologia Bio w/ lab

9th: Apologia Chem w/ lab (outsourced w/ chem teacher)

10th: AP Biology on-line

11th: Physics at the community college (next year)

12th: AP Chemistry on-line


A couple of things. First, I like starting the sequence early if the child is ready to make time for more science or AP science. Second, I really wanted to make sure my ds learned how to do labs and make a lab notebook. His best experience so far with lab notebooks was the outsourced chemistry class. We'll see what the community college requires. Finally, we've stressed math as much or more than science since it is so key to higher science.




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My DD was in college as a pre-vet major this year and for high school science we did:



physical science



marine biology


If we did it again, I'd choose something more along the lines as Lisa did above. My other students are going to be using BJU science with homesat.

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My DD was in college as a pre-vet major this year and for high school science we did:



physical science



marine biology


If we did it again, I'd choose something more along the lines as Lisa did above. My other students are going to be using BJU science with homesat.


May I ask why you're leaving Apologia?

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Here's the sequence I've used/am using with my science-minded ds:


8th: Apologia Bio w/ lab

9th: Apologia Chem w/ lab (outsourced w/ chem teacher)

10th: AP Biology on-line

11th: Physics at the community college (next year)

12th: AP Chemistry on-line




This almost identical to what my son (rising 10th grader) is/will be doing, except 10th will be Advanced Biology using Apologia's text online with The Potter's School. I'm curious as to where you're doing the AP online courses you mention here.



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May I ask why you're leaving Apologia?


There has been much debate on these bords as to the rigor of Apologia so you might want to do a search on that, too. I love how Apologia is self-teaching and all my children have enjoyed it, but I personally do feel it is lacking in depth compared to other high school science classes. My oldest, who was the pre-vet major, told me she didn't feel as well prepared as other students in her college science classes. I know many, many kids have used Apologia successfully and gone onto science fields, but for us we decided we wanted something a bit more rigourous and homesat/BJU fit the bill. I recommend if you do stay with Apologia, and Apologia is a great program, to do atleast one of the Advanced Science courses.

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If you want to use Apologia's courses but make them more rigorous, complete both the basic and the advanced course in one year (bio/adv. bio, chem/adv. chem, physics/adv. physics).


I believe there is at least one vet who posts on the K-8 board. You may want to try cross-posting over there for her response.

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He used:


7th grade: A Beka Physical Science

8th grade: A Beka Biology

9th grade: Zuhmdahl Chemistry


-- and here's where things get tricky. He loves science, but he got a slow start in math. He can't go any farther in science without more math, so this year we're doing both Geometry and Algebra 2 with him, so in 11th grade he can do Giancoli physics and in 12th he can do a few semesters of college sciences.


So let this be a warning... for those of you with science-y kids, make sure you have the maths to back them up. And if chemistry doesn't require at least algebra, and physics doesn't require trig/pre-cal, then it might be time to look at a beefier science.

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I only used Apologia Biology with my ds. However, a friend of mine successfully used Apologia with both her graduated dc. One is in engineering school at Clemson, and the other is a pharmacy major at the University of SC. She did say that she used the Teaching Company science (chemistry) dvds with her dc. So you can make Apologia more rigorous if you add a few things. I don't know if my df tested her dc on watching the TC, though. But it definitely helped their dc.



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Here is what my ds used:


Apologia Biology with lab

Zumdahl's Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation (I love this book!) with lab

Conceptual Physics with lab


We are not heavy science folks. However, if we were then I would start with physical science in 8th and biology in 9th grade if the student is ready. This is my plan with my youngest. I think my ds was at a disadvantage that I didn't do a more indepth intro physics/chemistry type study ala physical science before undergoing biology. He floundered in his 9th grade year with a different biology book, so I called it quits for science for that year. He picked up Apologia his 10th grade year which worked much better for him. I'm using Abeka's biology book with my dd next year. If my dc were really science minded then I would use BJUP's biology book. I own all these biology books including Holt's Modern Biology. I guess I'm a collector of biology books! LOL!! (however my collection of writing books is even bigger)



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