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I am so confused, KISS & MEP!


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I am on the site checking it out. I read the paragraph below. Does this mean there is a Grade 1 or no? All I can seem to locate is Second Grade.


KISS Level 1 (The Basic Concepts)By the time they finish this book, students should be able to identify most subjects, verbs, complements, adjectives, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositional phrases in almost any text that they read or write.


I am also looking at MEP. I am wanting to check into both as suppliments etc and put on the ipad. Does MEP have a way you can do that? I think with KISS I can save the doc, use dropbox etc... still checking it out.



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With KISS, every one starts at level 1. The different grade levels use different literature selections but teach the same concepts. I am using it for my 3rd grader, but not my 1st grader. With her we are reading GrammarLand and using the limited grammar in IEW PAL writing. I'll hold off until at least next year before we start KISS. We do use dropbox for KISS.


We use MEP on Notability with the iPad. All you have to do is pull up the pdf on the iPad using Safari and then click on the top right where you can open it in Notability. I pull up the lesson plan on the laptop and follow along right next to my kids.


We have only used these programs for about a month, but I am REALLY impressed with both of them! MEP has gone from being a supplement to being our full time math curriculum. The kids all love it! If you have any other questions I will do my best to answer them:)

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There is no grade 1 for KISS. Honestly, it's perfectly fine to wait until 3rd grade and then start KISS. It's very thorough, and there is tons of repetition by building upon what you're doing (ie, once you learn how to find a subject of the sentence, you are finding the subject of every sentence forevermore - you won't forget it).


Also, looking at most 1st grade grammar programs, I found them largely useless. Every single one of them teaches very little in grade 1, and then they repeat ALL of that in grade 2... and 3... and 4... and 5.


I convert the Word doc to PDF on my computer (CutePDF is free on Windows), then transfer it to my tablet (Android).


I also put MEP on my tablet. I'm using Reception right now, and I just pull it up and mark on it. I printed out the lesson plans and bound them.

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I also put MEP on my tablet. I'm using Reception right now, and I just pull it up and mark on it. I printed out the lesson plans and bound them.


Right. I did it the other way round - printed the practice book and viewed the lesson plan on my Kindle. So, OP, I think you will have to decide which to print and which to view on your iPad. Or, you'll have to view the lesson plan on your computer and let your student mark up the practice book on the iPad.

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MEP has at its core, as the other posters suggested, 2 main parts: the worksheets and the lesson plans. Usually you look at both as you do a lesson so you'd either need two devices, or something printed out; or if you are supplementing and just doing the worksheet problems, you could look at the instructions ahead of time and just use the device for your worksheet. I think it might be annoying to do that; on the other hand, Button is always trying to grab my lesson plan sheet and take over the lesson so if I didn't have a copy THAT would be easier.


(well, not always anymore -- we're mainly using Singapore this summer)


Also, if you use MEP with a young child you should know that the "copy masters" include oversized versions of most of the worksheet charts, etc. It took me a long while to find them, but they made filling things in much easier for my son Button (who is accelerated in math, so rather younger than the intended age for the worksheets).

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