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Review my plans for K?


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Would y'all take a look at my plans for Kindergarten for DD5? We are overseas in Turkey and she will either go to Turkish kindergarten or preschool during the day (still sorting that out) for Turkish language, culture, and socialization. In the afternoons/evenings and weekends I will homeschool/afterschool English reading, math, and religion (no church nearby).


Anyhow, here's the plan:



MEP - Reception

Telling God's Story Book 1

SOTW 1 as a read-aloud


Too much? Not enough? I want her ready for 1st grade in public or private school when we return to the US next year.



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The only thing I see missing would be handwriting. US schools' 1st grade classrooms usually expect that the child can copy a sentence or two at the beginning of the year. Some may even expect more than that (many do "journaling" :glare:).


SOTW *may* be over her head, or it may not... It's fine to try it and see, but if she isn't getting it, just set it aside for a year or so and come back to it. My advanced, history-loving oldest son probably wouldn't have been ready to listen to it at age 5, though he LOVED it at age 6. My middle son, currently 5.5, is nowhere near ready for it. So as always, YMMV. :)


Math, Reading, and Bible look fine. I can't remember how far MEP Reception goes, but make sure your child can do this list before the end of K, and you'll be fine in any 1st grade program. :)

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You can also print the zaner bloser sheets from online. They aren't as nice as the workbooks, but it will have guides for letter formation. I really like ZB.

Also, check the free thread on the forum. There is a ton of reading material for k, so you could have your dd just read (or as read alouds) books on different science/history topics that interest you.

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If you have an iPad or iPhone, we are loving the letter school app to reinforce handwriting in a fun, independent work way. You can choose which "font" they use, and I have ds do it with a stylus marker so it is closer to feel of pen and paper. This is a great learn on the go thing for us and if you're working on it nights and weekends, might be a good fit for you.

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