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My Excel Planner for those who asked (actually, Open Office)


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Hi, i have been working on my Excel file for next year (so far, only oldest's) and while it is not 100% done, I feel it's good enough to share for now.


It's an Open Office Calc file, which is importable into Excel, I believe, with minimal problems. Please note that the first page is the MAIN page, and then other pages can be found by clicking on the tabs on the bottom (Math, Latin, etc). Latin is empty as I decided to "fill this in as we go" as pace varies considerably depending on what we're covering. For History, I will be adding in some SOTW stuff as younger will be doing SOTW Ancients and I want to find projects my boys can do together. I used the Concatenate function which allows multiple columns to be joined together in one column, and then pasted THAT column as text into the MAIN planner page. It was actually quite easy to do, and it is very easy to "push" things forward by a day or more if I find we're falling behind. Also, I am only "pasting" into the main calendar every 2-3 weeks, so if there's been a slowdown (or a speedup!) of work, I can easily adjust that curriculum's page.


Hopefully this will help others.


Here's the link to my public DropBox acct-the planner is the 2nd item listed.



Edited by Halcyon
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