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Quick Cash?

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This isn't quick exactly, but we used to watch for free old appliances sitting by the side of the road and then sell them for scrap metal.


We did this and a lot of the things I mentioned previously to try and squirrel away "extra" cash for awhile. We were in the same position until recently. :grouphug::grouphug: I'll be praying.

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Great replies with great ideas.


When you approach your megachurch, make sure you also ask for some one-time or short-term work that you can do. Can you fill in for the janitor while he takes a vacation? Can you help with filing? Deep clean the nursery? Do something in exchange for them helping you.


I agree with PP to stockpile whatever water you can if you really think they'll cut you off. If you have a little bleach (either liquid or a scouring powder like Ajax or Comet that contains dried bleach), clean the tub out first. Fill it up... This only works when you have a tub that can be dedicated to that purpose.


In addition to your megachurch, ask every other church in town. Ask those churches that you'd not really consider attending. Maybe you're Baptist or Non-Denominational. Then call the Catholics or Mormons. They're happy to help.


Call the city helpline if you have one. It's usually a number like 511 or something.


Think of things going on this time of year that might be seasonal work. Are there nearby hotels that need two weeks of maid service? Are there swimming pools that need help cleaning the restrooms, manning the snack bar, testing the pool water, or closing down in a few weeks? Do the schools need any back to school paperwork done? Do they need help inventorying the library or counting textbooks or looking for damage in the books? Testing the PCs before the kids come? Deep cleaning? Call them up and ask. Any landscaping companies feeling the pinch of summer ending that needs some help hauling wheelbarrows full of dirt? Anything you can dream up to help new college students go to college? I'm not sure what that looks like, but maybe you could help a new freshman move into the University. First you'd super-clean the room and then you'd help the new freshman set up his or her room. Car washing? Does your doctor, dentist, etc. need temporary help so that someone else can go on vacation? Can you do some web design? I understand it's easy to learn, but I don't know. Many companies' fiscal years end in August or September and have some bookkeeping to do. Hey, in our town, there are people that make a lot of money poop-scooping rich people's yards! I understand they get paid well. Could you be a diaper service? Could you pick up cloth diapers and return them clean? Could you be a laundry service doing the same?


People going on a end of summer vacation might need a pet sitter, lawn mower, house sitter, etc. And, perhaps they are sick of mowing their yards. They provide the mower and gas, you provide the push and sweat.


Call around and ask businesses and schools what you can do. Tell them you are in a bind and that you are hardworking and need a four week job (or whatever). Tell them that you are willing to do the job nobody else wants to do, or the job that will help them start the school year of fiscal year.


I agree, let the water company know you have little kids.

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Great replies with great ideas.


When you approach your megachurch, make sure you also ask for some one-time or short-term work that you can do. Can you fill in for the janitor while he takes a vacation? Can you help with filing? Deep clean the nursery? Do something in exchange for them helping you.


I agree with PP to stockpile whatever water you can if you really think they'll cut you off. If you have a little bleach (either liquid or a scouring powder like Ajax or Comet that contains dried bleach), clean the tub out first. Fill it up... This only works when you have a tub that can be dedicated to that purpose.


In addition to your megachurch, ask every other church in town. Ask those churches that you'd not really consider attending. Maybe you're Baptist or Non-Denominational. Then call the Catholics or Mormons. They're happy to help.


Call the city helpline if you have one. It's usually a number like 511 or something.


Think of things going on this time of year that might be seasonal work. Are there nearby hotels that need two weeks of maid service? Are there swimming pools that need help cleaning the restrooms, manning the snack bar, testing the pool water, or closing down in a few weeks? Do the schools need any back to school paperwork done? Do they need help inventorying the library or counting textbooks or looking for damage in the books? Testing the PCs before the kids come? Deep cleaning? Call them up and ask. Any landscaping companies feeling the pinch of summer ending that needs some help hauling wheelbarrows full of dirt? Anything you can dream up to help new college students go to college? I'm not sure what that looks like, but maybe you could help a new freshman move into the University. First you'd super-clean the room and then you'd help the new freshman set up his or her room. Car washing? Does your doctor, dentist, etc. need temporary help so that someone else can go on vacation? Can you do some web design? I understand it's easy to learn, but I don't know. Many companies' fiscal years end in August or September and have some bookkeeping to do. Hey, in our town, there are people that make a lot of money poop-scooping rich people's yards! I understand they get paid well. Could you be a diaper service? Could you pick up cloth diapers and return them clean? Could you be a laundry service doing the same?


People going on a end of summer vacation might need a pet sitter, lawn mower, house sitter, etc. And, perhaps they are sick of mowing their yards. They provide the mower and gas, you provide the push and sweat.


Call around and ask businesses and schools what you can do. Tell them you are in a bind and that you are hardworking and need a four week job (or whatever). Tell them that you are willing to do the job nobody else wants to do, or the job that will help them start the school year of fiscal year.


I agree, let the water company know you have little kids.


Wow!! What an amazing list!! Thank you for all the time and energy you put into compiling that! I have noted many of your ideas!!!


I just want to send out very heart felt THANK YOU to absolutely everyone who has taken the time to respond. I came here looking for ideas on how to make some quick cash to get us through until I can get paid again.....and am walking away with a reminder of just how wonderful people can be, and knowing that I am VERY blessed to be a part of the Hive.


I'm so humbled and relieved to say that through the generosity that I've only ever seen here at the Hive, our financial needs have been met. I have a plan of action to get us ahead (using many of your ideas!!), and the love and support I've gotten here is 2nd to none. I'm just speechless.


Thank you!! So much.....you all mean more to me than you know!

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Didn't read the replies so this might have been suggested already..

Donating Plasma gives big bucks. Almost $300 (maybe it was almost $400, can't remember). I live in a college town and the Plasma center is always crowded. Middle ds looked into it once when he needed money but was turned down because he had gotten a tattoo a few months before...piercings and tattoos have to be at least a year old

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