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Can anyone help me save my jasmine plant?

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My husband bought me a beautiful jasmine plant a few months ago. As soon as we brought it home, he transferred it into an appropriate-sized pot. Slowly, over time, the leaves and then the entire plant dried out and turned brown. I had pretty much given up on it but hadn't gotten around to throwing it out yet, when we noticed a week or so ago that there was one small green branch growing up from the bottom of the plant. So I watered it, and now the branch has become very long and spindly, almost twice as tall as the rest of the plant, with tiny leaves. There is no other green on the plant. Can I save this plant? Do I need to trim off all the brown parts (there won't be much left). Why is this piece growing so much taller than the rest?

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I would trim off the dead brown parts. The plant was probably grown in a greenhouse with ideal temperature, humidity, light and nutrients. Houseplants iften suffer shock transitioning to a normal house environment. It is Setting out new growth from the crown, which is good news since it means the crown is sti viable. I hope it keeps on growing for you. :)

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I cut my jasmine to the ground every few years to get rid of the excess dead material. It comes back great the next year.


I would guess it suffered transplant shock and died back a bit.


I am sorry you lost the current growth, but am happy for you that you didn't lose the plant all together.

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Oh, good. You have given me hope. :) So I'll trim off all the brown-ness and see what happens. Just out of curiosity, if you keep yours indoors, how often do you water it?


Mine is outdoors and gets watered by the sprinker system.

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I know this one!



Never repot a new plant and never repot any plant unless it is absolutely essential. Unnecessary repotting is the number one cause of plant failure. It is a common misconception that plant roots need lots of room in a pot. In fact, plants grow best when they are kept moderately potbound. As long as there is enough soil for the roots stay appropriately moist between waterings, then there is no need to repot. Repotting is not as simple as is commonly believed. Learn when and how to repot correctly by ordering a free copy of Indoor Plant Bulletin No.18.


We built a sunroom addition over the winter, and this spring I went out and spent a small fortune on houseplants. I brought them home and immediately repotted all of them in beautiful containers. They promptly all began to die. Every single one.


After much googling, I discovered that you aren't supposed to repot new plants. So I put them back in their original ugly plastic containers and set those inside the new pretty pots, and they all quickly came back. I only ended up losing one.


And when they do outgrow their container, just go up one size. If the pot is too large the soil doesn't dry out quickly and the roots will rot.

Edited by Perry
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Posted on June 5, 2011 by Will

Unnecessary repotting is by far the single most common plant care mistake. For a variety of reasons, folks believe it is a good idea to move a newly acquired plant into a new and larger pot. Please, don’t do it!

Repotting a plant is like performing surgery; do it only as a last resort and do it carefully and correctly.

Here are some other facts your should know about repotting:



  • Potted plants grow best when they are moderately root bound.
  • A plant that looks too big for its pot probably isn’t.
  • Visible roots are not a good indication for repotting.
  • A plant that does not dry out within 3 days of a thorough watering should NOT be repotted.
  • Plants in over-sized pots are highly subject to root rot.
  • Never move a plant into a pot more than one size (1-2 inches) larger.
  • When repotting, the soil added must match the existing soil in texture.
  • When repotting, loosen the roots surrounding the rootball.
  • When repotting, add soil to the bottom of the new pot but never add soil to the top of the rootball.


If you are surprised by some of the information above, then I urge you to email a request for my free article on repotting to wcreed@HorticulturalHelp.com.


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Huh. I never knew that. I have *always* repotted my plants as soon as I brought them home and I've never had trouble before. Maybe I've just been lucky. The pot it came in was just some flimsy plastic thing and I threw it away. I'll just have to hope for the best. Thanks!

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