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This week may be the death of me!

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We are on our last week of school. 5 days left. That's it. So, why is today the day that:

1) Our boys get back from a weekend at Grandma's house. I have great in-laws but they are heavy on the spoiling.

2) My oldest ADHD medication ran out on Sunday. I didn't notice in time to call it in so I have to wait until noon today to pick it up. With my youngest's nap schedule, I couldn't get it then so have to wait to later today to get it.


So, we've been working on grammar for an hour and a half. 3 sentences. That's all he has to diagram. And I am about to lose my mind!


Part of me says to just skip this week & call us done. The other part says we are so close to actually finishing everything that I should just push through and be heavy on the rum & diet cokes tonight.


So, what says the hive?

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