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I'm freaking out! Please tell me I can do this.

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Hello Hive,


I need some experienced moms encouragement right now. I tend to feel very anxious right before we start school but this year I am on the verge of panic. My oldest dd will be a senior. She will have a fairly tough school schedule. On top of that she will be getting ready to audition for music schools in the winter. I will have to be really on top of her schoolwork and her college application process. She is an excellent student and had great PSAT and SAT scores. She has already received a letter that she will be either a National Merit Commended Scholar or Semi-Finalist (I think it will be commended based on her score and our state). She has done extensive volunteer work and leadership. I'm not trying to brag only to let you know that if she doesn't get into her schools of choice (which aren't too selective) it will probably be my fault for dropping the ball on her college applications, transcripts, course descriptions, etc.


Next is my youngest dd. She will be starting high school and isn't like her older sister. She is an average student who needs more guidance. She is a good worker. She loves to get her schoolwork finished but she doesn't always work to the best of her ability. She tends to get very frustrated if something is "hard". I have to keep on top of what she is doing and be a source of constant encouragement.


My next son has Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy. Right now he is doing extremely well. He is a decent student (when he isn't seizing a lot). He is behind 2 grade levels and will begin 6th grade work. I'm not worried about that at all. He had a stroke at birth and has been catching up ever since. He does need assistance from me quite a bit and is definitely behind in spelling. Otherwise school isn't a stress for me with him. But, he is a Boy Scout and slowly working on each rank. Also he has weekly physical therapy.


My baby is 10 and isn't a great student. He is probably a stereotypical boy. He would rather be playing outside and playing with lizards than sitting inside writing anything. He is a competitive gymnast (ranked 2nd in our state) and has a fair amount of gym time each week. He also has GI issues. He is in the process of getting further diagnostic testing. He has several stomach ulcers right now and they are being treated. In the past he had motility issues (delayed gastric emptying). Right now the GI doc is looking at possible IBD issues (pray those are all negative). He needs a lot of guidance, encouragement from me as well. He is a very cheerful student though so that makes it easier.


On top of that my father passed away less than three months ago. I am trying to be as supportive and present for my mother as possible. I am an only child and she needs me so much right now. She lives out of state and I am trying to visit once a month. She needs help with some house projects.


Also, my husband has a demanding job. He is well paid but is gone from us a lot. I cannot depend on him to help with homeschooling at all. When he is home we try to have fun and get household chores done.


Bless your heart if you have read all of this rambling. I just am so worried that I won't be able to keep up with everything. I'm so worried that I will fail my oldest daughter and she won't get into college. I'm worried that I won't be able to get my boys up to snuff with their spelling. I'm worried that I won't be as available for my youngest daughter who is beginning high school this year. Plus get everyone to all their extra curricular activities, get the house clean, laundry, etc. Also aren't we supposed to have fun with our kids????


Ok, I'll stop freaking out but does anyone out there have some encouraging words or stories. I realize this will be one (if not most) difficult school year. I just keep telling myself that I can do anything for 9 months or so.


Thanks so much!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I think that sometimes we all get overwhelmed with things that seem like they can never be accomplished. I know I feel that way at times and you certainly seem to have a lot on your plate(s) right now.


I think you should prioritize first that you take care of yourself. I always tell myself that as long as I have enough sleep, I can do just about anything. Without sleep, everything falls apart.


Then look at everything and go ahead and figure out where you can let things slide if you needed to do so. If possible, hire outside help (we have a housekeeper come in once a week - some weeks she's literally only doing maintenance stuff, other weeks she's shoveling paths through dirty laundry and scattered toys).


The situation with your Mom is difficult because there's not a lot of guidance and you only have one shot to do the right thing. Is it possible for her to come visit you? (Honestly, if she's getting older, perhaps move near you?).


Lots of :grouphug: . Make a list and organize it all. Good luck :)

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