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Of school today and nobody cried or had a meltdown. In fact when I called for a 10 minute break DD came to me 5 minutes in and said, "Let's get back to work." Ha!


This is our first week back. Day 1 was awesome. Day 2 had some bumpy parts. Today was great!


My DD is very hands on, creative and artsy. With our history we made clay and made Wampum beads like the Iriquois Indians. With Math we used blocks. We made a sparkley rainbow fish out of construction paper and aluminum foil, which was based on the story Rainbow fish, which Dd read to us. AAS was hands on too. For Grammar we read The Goops with funny accents.


All of this kept dd engaged and wanting to read and write which she normal cries about! Yay!

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Of school today and nobody cried or had a meltdown. In fact when I called for a 10 minute break DD came to me 5 minutes in and said, "Let's get back to work." Ha!


This is our first week back. Day 1 was awesome. Day 2 had some bumpy parts. Today was great!


My DD is very hands on, creative and artsy. With our history we made clay and made Wampum beads like the Iriquois Indians. With Math we used blocks. We made a sparkley rainbow fish out of construction paper and aluminum foil, which was based on the story Rainbow fish, which Dd read to us. AAS was hands on too. For Grammar we read The Goops with funny accents.


All of this kept dd engaged and wanting to read and write which she normal cries about! Yay!


Wow! This my fantasy day! With 6 students someone always cops an attitude during the day. Oddly enough it's usually the oldest or the youngest.

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