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Because of our strained finances this year, we elected to use our state-funded virtual school for my 2 youngers. (state does not fund high school).


Our stuff from K12 for one daughter came today. I am fairly happy with the selections. Although this is not my first choice, I do like the things that they sent us.


And the art supplies....:D:D:D


My daughter was even excited about the art kit and curriculum.


So we'll see how it goes. My dh and I decided that we can try it for one year. If it doesn't work out, we can always go back to the way we have been doing it for years.

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Because of our strained finances this year, we elected to use our state-funded virtual school for my 2 youngers. (state does not fund high school).


Our stuff from K12 for one daughter came today. I am fairly happy with the selections. Although this is not my first choice, I do like the things that they sent us.


And the art supplies....:D:D:D


My daughter was even excited about the art kit and curriculum.


So we'll see how it goes. My dh and I decided that we can try it for one year. If it doesn't work out, we can always go back to the way we have been doing it for years.


We are in a similar boat.....we are using a home-based program through our own school district. The main reason is finances too. I'm working on finishing up my order this week and I hope the school gets things ordered soon. It is such a thrill when we get the call that there are boxes to come and pick up! My dd just simply can not wait. Box day is so awesome!

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