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SLP evaluation results

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My DD went in for her SLP evaluation today. She mainly struggles with word retrieval and carrying on age-appropriate conversations.


Long story short, she does not have any problems with her language. Her scores were all average to way above average. Where she scored very low were with her working memory and another test that involved memory.


The SLP thinks that all of her speech issues are a result of her memory issues and that she really doesn't need traditional language therapy. Some of the quirks that we hear while she is talking all come back to her trying to buy herself time finding the words that she wants.


Unfortunately, they don't do specific working/auditory memory work there, but she did give some suggestions.


It's always nice to have more pieces to the puzzle.

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Her main recommendations were HearBuilder Auditory Memory and/or Earobics. Nothing really new there. She did mention that she likes a lot of the products that SuperDuperInc. carry.


And then she also mentioned being patient and waiting for DD to finish what she is saying, and then waiting 2 seconds before responding so that DD learns that she has plenty of time to get her thoughts out.


Nothing earth shattering. In fact, I have probably gained more wisdom from this board. But it was nice to rule language problems out and to know that we have already been pursuing things that would actually help.

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You're going to hit the neuropsych next, right? Or maybe you already have? It's not something pressingly urgent, but yes when you have low processing speed and working memory issues, you're probably going to have something the neuropsych can diagnose. That way you can get advice on how it plays out for all the areas, not just speech. For instance, as she gets older and does lit and discussion-based classes, she may need accommodations. That sort of thing.

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Her main recommendations were HearBuilder Auditory Memory and/or Earobics. Nothing really new there. She did mention that she likes a lot of the products that SuperDuperInc. carry.


And then she also mentioned being patient and waiting for DD to finish what she is saying, and then waiting 2 seconds before responding so that DD learns that she has plenty of time to get her thoughts out.


Nothing earth shattering. In fact, I have probably gained more wisdom from this board. But it was nice to rule language problems out and to know that we have already been pursuing things that would actually help.


I am going to check out HearBuilder Auditory Memory. One of DD's diagnosis last month was Cognitive Disorder NOS with Working Memory Difficulties. I have also gained so much knowledge from this board. It helps to know that I am not the only one with a child who struggles like this.

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You're going to hit the neuropsych next, right? Or maybe you already have? It's not something pressingly urgent, but yes when you have low processing speed and working memory issues, you're probably going to have something the neuropsych can diagnose. That way you can get advice on how it plays out for all the areas, not just speech. For instance, as she gets older and does lit and discussion-based classes, she may need accommodations. That sort of thing.


Yes, and hopefully really soon this school year. We did have an appointment set up for August, but had to cancel. We had a crazy hail storm pass through so our original NP $ is now being used to pay for the deductible on our insurance :thumbdown:. Once we recover from that, we'll set it back up again. Luckily there is a relatively short wait list around here. Our health insurance did cover our SLP evaluation, so we were able to go ahead with that.

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