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What are your children doing for school today?

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We're on a light schedule because dd is in day camp 9-4.


She does one lesson phonics, one math, one Elson Primer story, and her Kumon booklet. Most of that was done before camp or else it wouldn't get done.


ds1 learned the letter L.

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DS1 went on a road trip with his grandparents to drop off friends of theirs from India back at the friends' son's house. He played with the two boys at the friend's house. He had a nice break day and a good time with his Grandparents.


DD and DS2 went to daycare and had tons of fun there. DD is now working on her alphabet and various puzzles.

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We are on week 2. We got quite a bit done today, but not until after lunch. The boys had swimming lessons this morning, and I slept in until about 9 while they watched a movie. While they ate breakfast, I read our devotional, ds7's poem he is memorizing, and our social studies out loud to them. After swim lessons we had lunch and then started on our schoolwork. They did their usual load, which is math, spelling, analogies, map reading, handwriting, dictation, grammar, and literature for ds7. He read a chapter in Farmer Boy for literature. Ds5 did math, reading/phonics, handwriting, and also read Richard Scarry's The Early Bird. We glued the booklets they made on what nomads ate into their Ancient History notebooks. We also did a lesson on solids, liquids, and gases from BFSU.

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It was a light bookwork day today. My chlldren (thank you SWB and SOTW1) spent a bunch of time (between trips back inside because of the heat) outside, building a hut and pretending to be ancient people, gathering berries from our bushes and putting on very simple clothing. DD spent a while working on a cardboard stable she's building for her collection of Schleich horses, complete with blankets and bridles. DS1 spent a long time making some sort of book, with paper, staples, glue, and scissors. There was a start of a game of War, some playing with trucks, some independent book-reading, and the daily light saber duels. Long live imagination!

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This is what it's like in our house too! My boys are Star Wars crazy right now, especially my 7yo.


All of mine are obsessed with Star Wars, even the girl. Even the baby thinks it's great when they hand him a light saber. They have many duels, spend hours creating Jedi outfits (whole personas, even), researching very esoteric SW characters, you name it. I'm a tad tired of it. :)

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DS 6yo did 5 math worksheets in Singapore math, "played" abacus, read Hop on Pop to me, listened to a chapter of our read aloud (Little House in the Big Woods), did an art project, and listened to a chapter of "Story of the World" and acted out Roman Times with his sister.


Rome was burning, so DD laid under the blanket yelling "Help, help! I'm on FIYAH!" and DS, as Nero, ate his snack (grapes) and had a dance party (danced while listening to "Shake Your Sillies Out" - you know, historically accurate music.) Then they swapped places. It was awfully funny.

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