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Song School Latin in K

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I am starting SSL with my 2nd grader and K'er. I only have 1 workbook, as I was planning on just my 2nd grader doing the workbook part. I was thinking of printing out the coloring sheets for my K'er to use. Then I started thinking that the younger might get upset that he doesn't have his own workbook and he may want to try to do the activities. What would you suggest if you have used this program with a Kindergartner before?

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I only sorta did this over the summer last year with my rising 2nd grader and rising K-er. I would not buy a workbook for both of them - way too expensive and, in my opinion, not something super-critical for K! In fact, I don't even remember that we wrote in it at all - we did it orally. I'd either do that, or else only print coloring pages for the younger child and make it a point to say that that's his special thing (implying the older doesn't get any), and the older one uses the book.


It sure works well in my house to say something like: "the author of the book says to make sure I've printed nice pages for anyone under age 7, and to have anyone age 7 and up write in the book"! Maybe get him a nice folder/binder to decorate and keep them in, and older sibling doesn't have one of those.

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I'd print the coloring sheets from the website (I did them 4x/page) and maybe make extra copies of some of the pages in the back that are designed to be cut out, since those might be fun. Most of the rest of the activities are letter/word writing/tracing, and not particularly appropriate for kinders anyway.

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I found the workbook was not needed. I did this with a 1st grader and the workbook rarely got used. I actually gave her the workbook and let her use it when ever she wanted...she never did. It mainly consist of copywork and some fill in the blank but not worth the $$ or time. We spent a week on each chapter using just the color sheets and the CD.

First day we listened to the CD and learned how to pronounce the new words/phrases.

2nd day we practiced the words/phrases and did some review

3rd day we colored the pages together, then we said words and their meaning.

Listen to CD again and then sang songs minus the CD, we also listened to some past songs.

Friday I quizzed her with new words and some old ones.


We kept all the color sheets in a binder and would go through them regularly to review.


It would be great if SSl would sell just the CD. If you want to use the workbook, I would buy some plastic sleeves, cover the days workbook page and let each child work it with a white board marker.

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Oh, also, if you contact them you will find that the student book comes with permission to photocopy for ONE extra child. That's what I was told when I asked. I decided I wasnt up for that much photocopying but perhaps you are. :)

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