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TOG selection of abridged books

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I am test running TOG 3 Unit 3. I found that for LG, UG, and even Dialectic level, there are abridged books scheduled like Little Women, Tom Sawyer. My dc have been reading Sonlight readers 3 and 4 and other long advanced readers, so reading abridged is kind of boring for them. Today we listened to Little Women on line and my boys think it is much better than the simplified version.

So what I want to say is the books are not a good fit. Of course I know there is the literature worksheet, but if they don't enjoy the books, what is the point of doing it just so that they cando the worksheets? I can let them read the unabridged, but it takes longer than the scheduled time frame.

Have any of you have this problem? What do you do?

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Often they are scheduled to read the unabridged at a higher level. I decide where I feel the book would be best and sub in to fill the void. If they don't schedule the unabridged version anywhere than I will either sub it in (either as a reader, or maybe even as a read aloud) or skip it and plan to cover it at a later date.

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We encountered the same problem with the abridged versions. It was mainly with my UG student who is a virocious reader. With many of them, I gave him an unabridged version. It took longer for him to read, but he was able to enjoy the meat of the book instead of just the bare bones with the abridged.


I often had to add in other books to supplement if he finished early. In that case, I'd choose something from the SL books or look in All Through the Ages for more titles.

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