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Has anybody tried No Lipo Lipo? (Link inside)

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Supposed to help you eliminate your pot belly or thunder thighs through massage. Not that I need this myself, of course; I'm asking for a friend!!! :lol:


All the reviews "my friend" can find online seem like ads. I have seen it referenced here recently; that's how I first heard of it. But I can't find the post now.


$100 seems like a lot of money to try something like this. To "my friend," I mean. Now, if it included the actual massages, that would be different....:lol:

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It looks seriously overpriced :glare:. I wouldn't bother. I would go with any good loofah or high-quality brush from a health store and just do daily body brushing.

Rebounding (trampoline), dry body brushing, and massages (when or if one can afford them - massage schools are great also!) are helpful.

Dandelion Root Tea is also helpful for fluid retention, etc.

The more natural the diet, the better.

Regular exercise is essential.

More details ~ mind you, this is info on cellulite. I figured it's the closest thing to what you're asking. HTH. :grouphug:



The detoxifying properties of raw foods offer the most effective approach in preventing and reversing cellulite. There is a relationship between cellulite and body toxicity. Constipation is more common in women with cellulite, as is poor lymphatic drainage – the inefficient elimination of wastes that accumulate in spaces between cells. There is also a correlation between cellulite and poor circulation, poor liver function, and an underactive thyroid.

Eat raw as much as possible


Eat plenty of high-fiber foods – oat bran, whole grains, legumes (beans, split peas, lentils), vegetables, fruits

Eat more raw nuts and beans.


Get ample amounts of fluid to help prevent constipation

Drink water throughout the day to flush out unwanted toxins.


Increase consumption of foods that cleanse and support the liver – beets, artichoke leaves, turmeric, dandelion root and milk thistle teas


Some juices that help:



¼-inch slice ginger root

1 beet

½ seeded apple

4 carrots



3 broccoli flowerets

1 garlic clove

4-5 carrots

2 stalks celery

½ green pepper



Keep animal protein and animal fats in your diet low. The one exception is good quality fish.


Caffeine impairs circulation and lymph flow. Drink green tea, dandelion tea, or hot water with lemon and ginger instead.


Processed food contains artificial substances that the body finds hard to eliminate, and is a factor in the development of cellulite. Steer clear of high GI foods like white bread, rice, and potatoes that raise levels of fat-storing insulin. Stick to a diet that contains natural and organic meats and vegetables, which are simply cooked.



Gotu Kola has reduced cellulite in 80% of the people who tested it.

The participants took a gotu kola extract containing 30 mg of triterpenes three times a day.


Horse Chestnut Extract – you can take horse chestnut extract containing 10-20 mg of escin three times a day, or apply a salve with 0.5-1.5% escin topically.


Both of the above have been used successfully for varicose veins as well as for cellulite.


When you use caffeine topically, it can reduce cellulite effectively. Look for a salve or ointment with 0.5-1.5% Cola vera extract (14% caffeine). Apply it morning and night to the areas where you have the most cellulite.



Obviously, women who are slim and athletic have the least amount of cellulite. Weight loss, should be gradual, particularly after the age of 40. Rapid weight loss could make the cellulite far more pronounced.


Exercise is very important in reducing cellulite. Be sure to get aerobic exercise (walking is a good choice) at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each time.

Few female athletes have cellulite because exercises replaces body fat with muscle, and prevents fat cells from becoming blocked with toxins. Running, swimming, cycling, and walking are all excellent ways to improve circulation and encourage the elimination of toxins.


Get into the habit of body brushing first thing every morning for 3 minutes to slough off dead skin cells and boost circulation. Regular dry skin brushing can greatly improve lymphatic drainage. Using moderate pressure and short strokes with a natural bristle body brush, brush the skin in an upward circular movement from the lower body up towards the heart. As well as stimulating blood circulation in the tiny capillaries near the skin, it will tone and tighten the skin and help reduce cellulite deposits.


Massage will stimulate the circulation of the lymphatic drainage system and speed up toxin elimination.


Rebounding is also great for lymphatic drainage and toxin elimination.


In the morning jump-start your body by gradually turning your warm shower water to cold. Let it run for a minute all over your face and body to give the lymphatic system a boost, and tone up the skin to leave it tingling.

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I suffer from both pot belly & thunder thighs :glare:, most especially the former.


I don't know if any of this will help. Here are my ab tips, followed by list of workouts that may help with the ab & thigh problem. I need to be good and follow these tips. Alas, I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not perfect by any means. :tongue_smilie:


I WISH my abs were great. I've always had the tendency to be an apple. Even before dc, my abs were my biggest problem area. After 2 c-sections, my abs will never be the same, but that's fine, and I’ve come to accept that.


Here are lots of ab tips, sorry it's overwhelming. I guess you can try doing what you can - pick and choose.


For me, lately, it's much, much more about eating less than it is about exercising more. I hate that fact and am not particularly thrilled about it. It’s just that I know that when I eat less I lose much more weight and my abs get smaller, than when I exercise for hours and hours and don't really cut back on how much I eat. Lots of exercise often leads me to have an oversized appetite.


80% eating healthy and less 20% lifting with intervals and cardio. As the old saying goes..."Abs are made in the kitchen"!



Consume 2/3 of your daily calories before dinner. For your dinner, eat lightly and skip dessert (easier said than done).



These are low-calorie stomach fillers. Have 5-9 servings a day. The more fiber I include in every meal and snack, the better.

Raw foods – fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in their natural form – are rich in the natural enzymes found in all foods. Naturally, this means that each food has the appropriate enzymes to digest itself. Thus, when you eat raw foods, they are much more easily digested and utilized in your body. That means less food stored as useless fat. Not only will they help you lose weight and belly fat but you’ll have so much energy and better health than you ever thought possible.



Fiber cuts down on bloating

Constipation distends your belly. One way to get rid of it is to start each morning with a cereal that guarantees your daily dose of fiber. Consuming 2 kinds of fiber at once is most effective – insoluble fiber (from bran) and gel-like soluble fiber (from psyllium). The two types work together to pull water into your colon and speed up elimination. You look and feel lighter.


POTASSIUM-RICH FOODS such as bananas and potatoes help your body get rid of excess water weight, minimizing your middle.



An imbalance of bacteria in your gut can cause your digestive system to slow down and your belly to puff up. Probiotics and yogurt help overcome this. The bacteria in them seem to tame tummy bloat by causing an improvement in intestinal mobility, thereby relieving constipation.



Moderate amounts of eggs, fish, meat, poultry, low fat yogurt, and legumes help you feel sated.

We lose muscle as we age. So even if you are working out but not eating properly, you are not doing your muscles any favors.

Getting enough protein also helps to keep weight down. Losing muscle decreases resting metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat.



The more sodium in your diet, the more bloating in your belly. Instead, garnish w/herbs, spices, and citrus juices.

Sodium makes you retain water and puffs up your belly. Most of us eat more than twice as much sodium as we need.

Stop salting your food at the table, and check for sodium on the labels of packaged foods.



It has been my personal experience that belly fat is related to sugar intake. When I cut out sugar and soda my stomach goes down fast, within a week there is a big difference and when I do go for sugar, to many carbs etc I get more of a belly. I do not believe this is the case for all people but for me it is directly related.



Not drinking enough water will leave you bloated. You need enough water to flush out water and salt in your tissues, so you can be lighter and not be bloated.

An easy way to tell whether you're getting enough water is to check the color of your urine: If it's pale yellow, that's good; if it's dark, dehydration may be an issue. And watch what you drink. Too much alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you, because they're natural diuretics and can cause you to lose body fluids.

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Crunches strengthen stomach muscles, but they don’t give definition. Crunches are just one piece of the puzzle. Planks and other forms of exercise are key.


AEROBIC EXERCISE gives definition to the stomach muscles and helps lose actual inches.


WALKING is one of the best ways to shed belly fat. Just 2 ½ hours of brisk walking a week – about 20 minutes a day – can shrink your belly by about 1 inch in 4 weeks.

Cardio burns fat In fact, a recent study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, showed cardiovascular exercise is especially effective in reducing midsection weight gain.



Strength training builds up the core muscles - in one study, women who lifted weights for an hour twice a week lost 15 percent more abdominal fat than those who didn't.

One of the fastest ways to firm your middle is through strength training for your entire body. Only resistance exercises boost your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn fat where it builds up.

To burn belly fat and start seeing some abdominal definition, you need to burn calories. That’s really the bottom line. Full body strength training exercises that train movements, not muscles, is the way to go. The reason is that big movements have a greater metabolic cost (that is, burn more calories) than small movements. That’s because they recruit more muscle, oxygen, and thus require more calories to complete the necessary exercise.

Which do you think would burn more calories….

Ab crunches OR front squats?

Sit ups OR lunge walks?

Leg lifts OR dumbbell cleans?

In each case, if you said the 2nd option, you’re right!

Abdominal exercises do nothing to help lose stomach or get a flat six pack.

Another way to work your abs while toning the rest of your body: Hold a light weight overhead during moves like lunges and squats. Your core is the main connection between your upper and lower body. By creating more length from your center to your fingertips, your abs have to work extra hard just to keep you upright. That creates a firmer, stronger midsection.



When you increase your pace you’ll burn more calories and target belly fat.



Ab exercises alone will not really help. What does help is decreasing your insulin levels. You do that by regular exercise - such as 10 minute bursts of exercise right before or after each meal. It's hard for me to do the 10 minutes right before or after mealtimes, but I am trying. Typing this up is a good reminder.



Sit in a chair (you can do this while reading the forums) with your feet on the floor and you hips and shoulders in line. Pull your belly button towards your spine, release and repeat. Do this about 3 times a day (I can't remember how many repetitions, I just do it until I forgot, or have to get up again).



Standing on one leg or using a wobble board or inflatable disk helps target and tone every little muscle. When you narrow your base of support – like balancing on one foot – you may have less stability, so your body naturally engages all of your core muscles to prevent you from falling.

Try balancing on one leg as you do upper-body moves such as biceps curls and overhead presses.



New research shows that stress triggers the hormone cortisol, which increases your appetite and promotes fat deposits around your abs.

Cortisol causes increased blood sugar and insulin. Yoga and pretty much any type of exercise is good for that.



Keep your abs active all day as you stand, carry groceries, sit, do your hair, and exercise. You’ll stand taller and your abs will get firmer.



Very, very hard for me. I have a love/hate sleep relationship. I need my early AM time. Without that, my physical, spiritual, mental, emotional health would all suffer.

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People in magazines spend several hours a day, six days a week, working on their abs, and they eat a very strict diet. It’s not something the average mother is willing or able to do.

Because of hormones, women don’t build bulky muscles. Even very fit women have a slight ‘poof’ below the belly button. Nature didn’t intend for women to have perfectly flat or concave stomachs. That extra fat is there to protect the reproductive organs. A healthy female body is DESIGNED to look that way.


Go low carb and see if that helps.



Ballet-based workouts - bar method, etc.


Great abs are made in the kitchen. In my own experience, what I put in my mouth is the only thing that affects belly fat.

Giving up sugar and white flour has been found to help many.


Isometric Work & Avoiding Extensive Ab Work

There are many who avoid crunches because they have found it to give them a thicker waist. Apparently, Jackie Warner or Jillian Michaels said this also. Whoever it was, said that you will work the abs if you do everything else and simply hold the abs in to stabilize yourself.

You can get lovely abs just from pulling them in as hard as they can and holding them for 1-2 breaths several times a day. Just holding in your stomach is isometric exercise.

It’s worth trying for a few months – avoiding crunches and c-curves and all obvious ab work, including standing crunches and so on. See if the isometric approach throughout the day and during your workout helps. Many have found this to be the case.

Holding in your abs for several seconds is an isometric exercise. Think of holding a plank while keeping your abs pulled in as tightly as possible.


Nonetheless, some workouts definitely help to tighten and cinch.


Classical Stretch & Essentrics helps many to get flatter-looking abs



Many have said that Callanetics helped get flatter abs, including in the lower abdominal region.


Yoga and Pilates

For the lower abdominal region, Pilates can't be beat. It's like having a natural girdle on. Not to mention a strong core and flexible spine = a happy spine. Someone said that her midsection was the best when she was doing Pilates regularly.


Stott Pilates for Abs

Lotte Berk's Hip Hugger Abs


Kickboxing helps with the obliques


Pushups and planks engage your whole core section and you will see results if you stick with it.


To achieve nice abs you need to combine cardio with toning exercises.

Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones

Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

30 Day Shred

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Many have said that their pant legs got looser around the thighs, and they felt taller and leaner.

Many turn to Callanetics when they’ve bulked up their thighs. It seems to lean them out really quickly.

Callanetics, when done regularly, takes some down an entire size in clothes.


Classical Stretch & Essentrics don’t bulk up the thighs


Avoid the Stair Master and Step Classes if you put on muscle easily. You could wind up increasing the size of your thighs.


Stop lower body weight work and focus more on barre and Classical Stretch type workouts. If you want legs like a dancer then you have to workout like a dancer.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest katelynstein

I haven't tried No Lipo Lipo yet but I did get a friend's feedback after going through the process. She said that it's really effective, especially considering that there are no medical procedures involved. She learned it from Facercise.com after reading the numerous positive testimonials from people who have done it.

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