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How much sleep do I really need?

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:tongue_smilie: This is a rhetorical question (sort of!)


So, I have a FT job now where I work from 8am until 5pm. My eldest is the "manny" and dh cooks dinner (at least that is the plan.) In addition to working, I still have to study for the next section of the exam, spend an hour or more a night working with dc, and regular everyday chores.


Currently, the schedule looks like this (at least ideally):


5am - get up, pack lunch, make coffee

5:30-6:45 - Study

6:45-7:15 - Get ready

7:15 leave for work

Work 8-5

5:45 get home, practice violin w/ 9yo

6:15-7 Dinner and clean up

7-8 "Homework hour" which is working with a couple of dc with things eldest can't, but will be true homework time once school starts

8-9 Study

9 Bed


I need to spend more time studying and fit in exercise somewhere. If I can get by on 6 hours sleep, then I can go to bed at 10 and get up at 4. I used to sleep only 6 hours a night regularly, but it has stretched to longer in the past year or so.


I think during dinner clean-up I can set the coffee maker to brew automatically and make lunches. I can exercise in the morning (35-55 minutes), then shower, then study for the exam (or study some, then exercise/shower.) So, it would look like this:


4 - up

4:15-5:15 Exercise (this would vary depending on the day)

5:15-5:45 Shower & Breakfast

5:45-7 Study


Then, at night, I would study from 8-10 or so. Adding in at least 30 minutes of study at lunch, I would have 3-4 hours of study time a day. I can do more on the weekends. I am taking the next section of the exam on 8/31.


Any ideas, thoughts, etc.? Is this doable for at least the next 2 months?

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:grouphug: I think for two months with summer light, it would be fine. That said, I'd try to squeeze a walk in during lunch or study outdoors at work to enjoy the fresh air. You could do this inside if the weather doesn't cooperate.


(I whimp out in the winter darkness and need more sleep then.)


:tongue_smilie: This is a rhetorical question (sort of!)


So, I have a FT job now where I work from 8am until 5pm. My eldest is the "manny" and dh cooks dinner (at least that is the plan.) In addition to working, I still have to study for the next section of the exam, spend an hour or more a night working with dc, and regular everyday chores.


Currently, the schedule looks like this (at least ideally):


5am - get up, pack lunch, make coffee

5:30-6:45 - Study

6:45-7:15 - Get ready

7:15 leave for work

Work 8-5

5:45 get home, practice violin w/ 9yo

6:15-7 Dinner and clean up

7-8 "Homework hour" which is working with a couple of dc with things eldest can't, but will be true homework time once school starts

8-9 Study

9 Bed


I need to spend more time studying and fit in exercise somewhere. If I can get by on 6 hours sleep, then I can go to bed at 10 and get up at 4. I used to sleep only 6 hours a night regularly, but it has stretched to longer in the past year or so.


I think during dinner clean-up I can set the coffee maker to brew automatically and make lunches. I can exercise in the morning (35-55 minutes), then shower, then study for the exam (or study some, then exercise/shower.) So, it would look like this:


4 - up

4:15-5:15 Exercise (this would vary depending on the day)

5:15-5:45 Shower & Breakfast

5:45-7 Study


Then, at night, I would study from 8-10 or so. Adding in at least 30 minutes of study at lunch, I would have 3-4 hours of study time a day. I can do more on the weekends. I am taking the next section of the exam on 8/31.


Any ideas, thoughts, etc.? Is this doable for at least the next 2 months?

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:grouphug: I think for two months with summer light, it would be fine. That said, I'd try to squeeze a walk in during lunch or study outdoors at work to enjoy the fresh air. You could do this inside if the weather doesn't cooperate.


(I whimp out in the winter darkness and need more sleep then.)


I couldn't walk/run at work at lunch because I don't have anyway to clean up. Once the days get shorter, I won't be able to walk/run in the mornings, but the 5K I am training for is in November, so after that I will cut back to 1-2 days of running a week (and do other things the other 4 days.) Right now I will walk/run two weekdays and one weekend day, with my other program the other days.


As for enjoying the fresh air, I will try that once it is no longer 95+ outside.:tongue_smilie:

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